Translation of "Fingertip" in Spanish

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Fingertip" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I burnt my fingertip.

Me quemé la yema del dedo.

I burned my fingertip.

Me quemé la yema del dedo.

- A bright red ladybug landed on my fingertip.
- A bright red ladybird landed on my fingertip.

Una juanita de color rojo brillante se posó en la punta de mi dedo.

Can you spin a basketball on your fingertip?

¿Puedes hacer girar una bola de baloncesto en la punta de un dedo?

Which is about the size of your fingertip at the distance of your arm,

que equivale casi a la distancia entre la punta del dedo y el brazo,