Translation of "Drunkard" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Drunkard" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

He was a real drunkard.

Él era un verdadero borracho.

Tom noticed a drunkard lying in the street.

Tom vio a un borracho tirado en la calle.

The drunkard had too much to drink; he has gone haywire.

El borracho bebió demasiado; se ha vuelto loco.

A drunkard is somebody you don't like and who drinks as much as you do.

Un borracho es alguien que no te gusta y que bebe tanto como tú.

A kindly-looking young woman took the hand of the miserable drunkard and drew him inside, shutting the door before he had time to realise what had happened.

Una joven de aspecto afable tomó al miserable borracho de la mano y tiró de él para dentro, cerrando la puerta antes de que le diera tiempo a darse cuenta de lo que había pasado.

There was a report from the neighbours because a drunkard was making noise in the park. When the police officers arrived at the scene, Kusanagi was alone, dead drunk and completely naked.

Hubo una denuncia de los vecinos porque un borracho estaba haciendo ruido en el parque. Cuando la policía llegó a la escena, Kusanagi estaba solo, extremadamente borracho y completamente desnudo.