Translation of "Asthma" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Asthma" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Tom has asthma.

Tom tiene asma.

I have asthma.

- Sufro de asma.
- Tengo asma.

She has asthma.

Ella tiene asma.

I suffer from asthma.

Sufro de asma.

I had an asthma attack.

Tuve un ataque de asma.

Tom had an asthma attack.

Tom tuvo un ataque de asma.

Such as asthma and allergies, autoimmune diseases,

como el asma y las alergias, las enfermedades autoinmunes,

- My daughter frequently experienced asthma attacks as a child.
- As a child, my daughter had frequent asthma attacks.

Mi hija con frecuencia tenía ataques de asma en la infancia.

For example, in the genes involved in asthma.

por ejemplo, en los genes vinculados al asma.

She attributes her asthma and allergies to vaccinations.

Ella atribuye su asma y alergias a las vacunas.

Involving everything from asthma to cancer. Boom, there we go.

que van desde el asma hasta el cáncer. Bum. Eso es.