Translation of "Stripped" in Russian

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Examples of using "Stripped" in a sentence and their russian translations:

Mary stripped off her clothes.

Мэри сняла с себя одежду.

The boy stripped off his clothes.

Мальчик разделся.

- A strong wind stripped the trees of their leaves.
- A strong wind stripped the leaves from the trees.

Сильный ветер срывал с деревьев листья.

Strong winds stripped the tree of its leaves.

Сильные ветры сорвали листья с дерева.

A strong wind stripped the trees of their leaves.

Сильный ветер срывал с деревьев листья.

Meaning is what's left when everything else is stripped away."

Смысл скрывается под всей этой мишурой».

She stripped the child and put him in the bath.

Она раздела ребёнка и положила его в ванну.

He was stripped of his rank, and not  officially reinstated until 1795,  

Его лишили звания и официально не восстановили до 1795 года,

Or finding that stripped-down kind of meaning in the love of family

или найти такое простое счастье в семейной жизни

Even if the meat is stripped bare, there's so much you can use on it.

Даже если мяса не осталось, она все равно пригодится.

Even if the meat is stripped bare, there's so much you can use on it.

Даже если мяса не осталось, в ней много полезного.

Davout was stripped of his rank and income,  though they were restored two years later,  

Davout was stripped of his rank and income, though they were restored two years later,

- Tom stripped off his clothes and got into the bathtub.
- Tom took off his clothes and got into the bathtub.

Том снял одежду и залез в ванну.

A certain man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and he fell among robbers, who both stripped him and beat him, and departed, leaving him half dead. By chance a certain priest was going down that way. When he saw him, he passed by on the other side. In the same way a Levite also, when he came to the place, and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he travelled, came where he was. When he saw him, he was moved with compassion, came to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. He set him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him.

Некоторый человек шел из Иерусалима в Иерихон и попался разбойникам, которые сняли с него одежду, изранили его и ушли, оставив его едва живым. По случаю один священник шел тою дорогою и, увидев его, прошел мимо. Также и левит, быв на том месте, подошел, посмотрел и прошел мимо. Самарянин же некто, проезжая, нашел на него и, увидев его, сжалился и, подойдя, перевязал ему раны, возливая масло и вино; и, посадив его на своего осла, привез его в гостиницу и позаботился о нем.