Translation of "Reigned" in Russian

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Examples of using "Reigned" in a sentence and their russian translations:

Silence reigned in the room.

- В комнате царила тишина.
- В комнате воцарилось молчание.

Silence reigned during the speech.

Во время речи царило молчание.

Silence reigned in the forest.

В лесу царила тишина.

The king reigned over the island.

Король повелевал на острове.

Came out and reigned in the world again

вышел и царствовал снова в мире

The king reigned over his people for forty years.

Король правил своим народом сорок лет.

- Silence reigned in the room.
- The room was quiet.

В комнате царила тишина.

The king has reigned over the country for many years.

Король много лет правил страной.

There was a time when kings and queens reigned over the world.

Было время, когда короли и королевы правили миром.

- The king reigned over the island.
- The king ruled over the island.

- Король правил островом.
- Король повелевал на острове.