Translation of "Onwards" in Russian

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Onwards" in a sentence and their russian translations:

We've made it to Berlin, onwards to New York.

Дошли до Берлина, дойдём и до Нью-Йорка!

From five o'clock onwards, any leftover bread, cakes and pastries are sold at half price.

Начиная с пяти часов вечера оставшаяся выпечка продаётся за полцены.

The second and third stages carried the spacecraft to Earth orbit, and onwards to the moon.

Вторая и третья ступени доставили космический корабль на околоземную орбиту, а затем на Луну.

- From today on, the nights will get shorter.
- From today onwards, the nights will become shorter.

С сегодняшнего дня ночи станут короче.

The Viking expansion from the 9th century onwards reached areas such as Normandy, Galicia, Andalusia, Sicily and Crimea.

Экспансия викингов с девятого века достигла таких территорий как Нормандия, Галисия, Андалусия, Сицилия и Крым.