Translation of "Tent" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Tent" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

We slept in a tent.

Dormimos numa barraca.

Mary isn't in her tent.

Mary não está em sua tenda.

Sami pitched his tent right here.

O Sami montou a tenda aqui mesmo.

How often do you use your tent?

- Com que frequência você usa sua barraca?
- Com que frequência tu utilizas a tua tenda?
- Com que frequência vós usais vossa barraca?
- Com que frequência vocês utilizam a sua tenda?
- Com que frequência o senhor usa sua barraca?
- Com que frequência a senhora utiliza a sua tenda?
- Com que frequência os senhores usam sua barraca?
- Com que frequência as senhoras utilizam a sua tenda?

Where would you like to pitch the tent?

Onde você gostaria de armar a barraca?

I could hear snoring from the next tent.

- Eu podia ouvir o ronco da próxima tenda.
- Eu poderia ouvir o ronco da próxima tenda.

They set up a tent and slept together

Eles montaram uma barraca e dormiram juntos.

This is a good place to pitch a tent.

Este é um bom lugar para montar uma barraca.

The problem was where to set up the tent.

O problema era onde armar a barraca.

Sami knew that there was someone in the tent.

Sami sabia que havia alguém na tenda.

The leader should know where to set up the tent.

O líder deveria saber onde montar a barraca.

Our tent was the only one in the camping area.

A nossa barraca era a única na área de acampamento.

Departing thence, he pitched his tent beyond the Flock tower.

Jacó saiu dali e armou seu acampamento para além de Magdol-Eder (isto é, a Torre do Rebanho).

We have to pick a place to set up the tent.

Temos que escolher um lugar para armar a barraca.

It started to rain as soon as we pitched the tent.

Assim que montamos a barraca, começou a chover.

Now Jacob had pitched his tent in the mountain; and when he, with his brethren, had overtaken him, he pitched his tent in the same mount of Galaad.

Quando Labão alcançou Jacó, este havia fixado tendas na região montanhosa de Galaad. E Labão e os de sua gente acamparam ali também.

We huddled into that tent, 19 below, that day. I'll never forget it.

Amontoámo-nos dentro da tenda, 19 abaixo de zero, nunca hei-de esquecer.

We have to set up the tent in the shade of that tree.

Devemos montar a barraca na sombra daquela árvore.

You're the only person I know besides me who would prefer to live in a tent.

Além de mim, você é o único que conheço que prefere morar em uma barraca.

So Laban went into the tent of Jacob, and of Lia, and of both the handmaids, and found them not. An when he was entered into Rachel's tent, she, in haste, hid the idols under the camel's furniture, and sat upon them.

Labão entrou para examinar as tendas de Jacó, de Lia e das duas servas, mas não achou nada. Enquanto saía da tenda de Lia para entrar na de Raquel, esta pegou os ídolos e os escondeu na sela do camelo e sentou-se em cima.

And when they had eaten, they said to him: Where is Sara thy wife? He answered: Lo she is in the tent.

Perguntaram-lhe: "Onde está Sara, tua mulher?" "Está na tenda", respondeu ele.

"Here camped the brave Dolopians, there was set / the tent of fierce Achilles; yonder lay / the fleet, and here the rival armies met / and mingled."

"Os esquadrões dos Dólopes aqui, / ali o fero Aquiles acampava; / aqui, em seco, descansava a frota / e este era o palco costumeiro dos combates."

So Abram removing his tent came and dwelt by the vale of Mambre, which is in Hebron: and he built there an altar to the Lord.

Abrão levantou acampamento e foi se estabelecer no vale de Mambré, perto de Hebron, onde construiu um altar para o Senhor.

Abraham made haste into the tent to Sara, and said to her: Make haste, temper together three measures of flour, and make cakes upon the hearth.

Solícito, Abraão entrou na tenda onde estava Sara e lhe disse: Pega depressa três medidas de farinha da melhor qualidade, amassa-a e assa uns pães.

And he built there an altar: and called upon the name of the Lord, and pitched his tent; and commanded his servants to dig a well.

Isaac construiu nesse lugar um altar e invocou o nome do Senhor. Ali armou acampamento, e os seus servos cavaram outro poço.

And Noah a husbandman began to till the ground, and planted a vineyard. And drinking of the wine was made drunk, and was uncovered in his tent.

Noé, que era agricultor, foi o primeiro a plantar uma vinha. Bebendo vinho, embriagou-se e ficou despido dentro da tenda.

And the Lord appeared to him in the vale of Mambre as he was sitting at the door of his tent, in the very heat of the day.

Perto do bosque de carvalhos de Mambré, o Senhor apareceu a Abraão quando este estava sentado à entrada de sua tenda, na hora mais quente do dia.

And he said to him: I will return and come to thee at this time, life accompanying, and Sara, thy wife, shall have a son. Which when Sara heard, she laughed behind the door of the tent.

O hóspede disse: "Voltarei a ti daqui a um ano; então tua mulher Sara já terá um filho". Ora, Sara ouvia da entrada da tenda que estava detrás daquele que falava.

And when he had lifted up his eyes, there appeared to him three men standing near to him: and as soon as he saw them, he ran to meet them from the door of his tent, and adored down to the ground.

Levantando os olhos, viu parados perto dele três homens. Imediatamente, correu-lhes ao encontro e se prostrou por terra.

And the servant told Isaac all that he had done, who brought her into the tent of Sara his mother, and took her to wife: and he loved her so much, that it moderated the sorrow which was occasioned by his mother's death.

O servo contou a Isaac tudo o que havia acontecido. E Isaac introduziu Rebeca na tenda de Sara, sua mãe, e a recebeu por esposa. Isaac amou-a, consolando-se assim da morte da mãe.

And passing on from thence to a mountain that was on the east side of Bethel, he there pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west and Hai on the east: he built there also an altar to the Lord, and called upon his name.

Dali passou à montanha, a oriente de Betel, e armou sua tenda, tendo Betel a oeste e Hai a leste. Construiu ali um altar ao Senhor e invocou seu nome.

This is the word that the Lord hath commanded: Let every one gather of it as much as is enough to eat; a gomor for every man, according to the number of your souls that dwell in a tent, so shall you take of it.

Assim ordenou o Senhor: Cada chefe de família recolha quanto precisar: um jarro para cada pessoa da sua tenda.

And when he was come into the tent, Moses told his kinsman all that the Lord had done to Pharaoh, and the Egyptians in favour of Israel: and all the labour which had befallen them in the journey, and that the Lord had delivered them.

E depois entraram na tenda. Então Moisés contou ao sogro tudo quanto o Senhor tinha feito ao faraó e aos egípcios por amor a Israel e também todas as dificuldades que os israelitas tinham enfrentado pelo caminho e como o Senhor os tinha livrado.

And when he had searched all the tent, and founding nothing, she said: Let not my lord be angry that I cannot rise up before thee, because it has now happened to me according to the custom of women. So his careful search was in vain.

Labão vasculhou toda a tenda, mas nada encontrou. Raquel disse ao pai: "Não te irrites, meu senhor, por não poder levantar-me à tua presença, uma vez que me acho com o que acontece regularmente às mulheres". Assim, por mais que procurasse em toda parte, Labão não pôde achar os ídolos.

And he returned by the way that he came from the south to Bethel, to the place where before he had pitched his tent between Bethel and Hai, in the place of the altar which he had made before, and there he called upon the name of the Lord.

Do Negueb voltou para Betel, até o lugar onde tinha acampado antes, entre Betel e Hai. Chegando ao lugar onde anteriormente tinha construído um altar, Abrão invocou o nome do Senhor.