Translation of "Sedges" in Portuguese

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Sedges" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

And when she saw the basket in the sedges she sent one of her maids for it: and when it was brought, she opened it, and seeing within it an infant crying, having compassion on it, she said: This is one of the babes of the Hebrews.

Ela avistou a cesta no meio dos juncos e mandou uma de suas servas apanhá-la. Ao retirar a tampa da cesta, viu uma criança que chorava. Enternecida, anunciou: É um menino dos hebreus.

And when she could hide him no longer, she took a basket made of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and pitch: and put the little babe therein, and laid him in the sedges by the river's brink, his sister standing afar off, and taking notice what would be done.

Como não podia escondê-lo por mais tempo, ela pegou uma cesta de papiro, calafetou com betume e piche, pôs nela a criança e deixou-a entre os juncos na margem do rio. De longe, uma das irmãs do menino observava o que lhe ia acontecer.