Translation of "Handcuffed" in Portuguese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Handcuffed" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Tom is handcuffed.

Tom está algemado.

- Tom should've been handcuffed.
- Tom should have been handcuffed.

Deviam ter algemado Tom.

- Tom said he wasn't handcuffed.
- Tom said that he wasn't handcuffed.

Tom disse que não estava algemado.

- They said that they weren't handcuffed.
- They said they weren't handcuffed.

Eles disseram que não foram algemados.

- Tom is handcuffed.
- Tom is in cuffs.

Tom está algemado.

Tom is probably going to be handcuffed.

O Tom provavelmente vai ser algemado.