Translation of "Caverns" in Portuguese

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Caverns" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

"Ye know mad Scylla, and her monsters' yell, / and the dark caverns where the Cyclops dwell."

"Chegastes perto do furor de Cila / e os gritos lhe escutastes, que estremecem / suas cavernas rumorosas sob as águas; / e desafiastes os rochedos dos Ciclopes".

"And deep within the sides of pine / and caverns of the womb by stealth enclose / armed men, a chosen band, drawn as the lots dispose."

"Homens de escol sorteados dentre os mais / valentes e robustos são levados / furtivamente para dentro do colosso, / e todas as sombrias cavidades / daquele imenso ventre ficam cheias / de guerreiros armados até os dentes."

"But Capys and the rest, of sounder mind, / urge us to tumble in the rolling tide / the doubtful gift, for treachery designed, / or burn with fire, or pierce the hollow side, / and probe the caverns where the Danaans hide."

"Mas Cápis e alguns outros, mais sensatos, / desejavam no mar precipitar / ou entregar às chamas o presente / insidioso e suspeito dos aqueus, / ou pelo menos perfurar-lhe os flancos / para sondar-lhe os escondidos vãos."

Meanwhile from neighbouring Tenedos once more, / beneath the tranquil moonbeam's friendly care, / with ordered ships, along the deep sea-floor, / back came the Argive host, and sought the well-known shore. / Forth from the royal galley sprang the flame, / when Sinon, screened by partial Fate, withdrew / the bolts and barriers of the pinewood frame, / and from its inmost caverns, bared to view, / the fatal horse disgorged the Danaan crew.

E já de Tênedos partia a armada grega / para o ataque, aprestada e protegida / pela cúmplice ausência do luar, / buscando praias mais que conhecidas. / Logo que a capitânia ergue o fanal, / Sínon, de iníquos deuses favorito, / furtivamente solta os dânaos alojados / no infausto ventre, abrindo o claustro de madeira.

- But in fear of this, the almighty father hid them in black caves, and placed a mound and high mountains over them, and he gave them a king who, under a binding agreement, would know both to suppress them and to give them loose reins, when ordered.
- But, fearing this, the Sire omnipotent / hath buried them in caverns dark and deep, / and o'er them piled huge mountains in a heap, / and set withal a monarch, there to reign, / by compact taught at his command to keep / strict watch, and tighten or relax the rein.

Mas, temendo esse risco, o pai onipotente / em caverna sombria os encerrou, / pondo por cima a massa colossal / de altos rochedos, e lhes deu um rei / que soubesse, mediante certo pacto, / as rédeas encurtar, ou afrouxá-las, / conforme as ordens recebidas.