Translation of "Throughout" in Japanese

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "Throughout" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

And throughout the world.


He traveled throughout the country.


His action throughout was correct.


I have supported you throughout.


She cried throughout the night.


All was silent throughout the castle.


The fire spread throughout the house.


The rumor spread throughout the country.

- その噂は国中に広まった。
- その嘘は国中に広まった。

He has remained pro-conservative throughout.


War has produced famine throughout history.


For years, all throughout my 20s,

何年もの間 20代の間ずっと

Synestias have been created throughout the universe.

シネスティアは宇宙の至る所で 作られています

Bad cold is prevailing throughout the country.


The two boys traveled throughout the land.


The news caused alarm throughout the village.


The rumor is abroad throughout the town.


The children's laughs spread throughout the forest.


He stayed absolutely silent throughout the conference.


He stayed in Nagano throughout the summer.


The ancient Romans founded colonies throughout Europe.


These insects are widely distributed throughout Japan.


Shimura's death sent shock waves throughout Japan.


I want to travel throughout Latin America.

- ラテンアメリカ中を旅行してみたい。
- ラテンアメリカの隅々まで旅してみたい。

To keep our skin tanned throughout the year.

皮膚の日焼けを一年中維持させるための さまざまな製品があります

That is circulated and recycled throughout the facility,

それが施設内で循環し 再利用されていることで

Sawgrass like this is found throughout Central America.


And I've scattered them all throughout my talk.

トーク全体に 種を蒔いたんです

And the decimation of sleep throughout industrialized nations

先進国の国々に見られる 睡眠時間の大幅な減少は

And during some standard testing throughout the process,


Some 14,000 leopards run loose throughout the nation,

国中で約1万4000匹の ヒョウが野放しで―

That country remained neutral throughout World War II.


He has helped the poor throughout his life.


I'm interested in ancient cities throughout the world.


And so the story has gone throughout the centuries.

このような話は 数世紀にわたって続きます

News of his escape caused rejoicing throughout the army.


The audience sobbed throughout the climax of the movie.


A serious form of flu prevails throughout the country.


It's open ten to six daily throughout the year.


The next morning found him famous throughout the village.


The news of their marriage spread throughout the village.


He is known to almost everybody throughout the world.


There is usually good weather in November throughout Japan.


This country has an even temperature throughout the year.

- この国は年間を通して気温の変化がない(安定している)。
- この国では年間を通じて気温の変動がほとんどない。

After the war, the idea of democracy spread throughout Japan.


Excitement over the new product spread quickly throughout the division.


Heat was spread throughout the room by the electric stove.


I thought about these words of wisdom all throughout my life

私は一生を通じて この教訓について考えました

Why don't we see it distributed throughout the entire subduction zone?

沈み込み帯全体に 分散していないのはなぜか?

The summit talks are to be broadcast simultaneously throughout the world.


Throughout my 12 years at elementary, junior, and senior high schools

小中高って12年間 親友がいたんですね

Husbands and wives should stand by each other throughout their lives.


Soccer played throughout the world today is closest to the original football.


Galaxies are scattered throughout the universe and they vary greatly in size.


He's a famous physicist not only in Japan, but throughout the world.


Throughout my basketball career, I've had team mates come up to me

バスケ人生の中で チームメイトが 私のところにやってきて

Macdonald continued to serve Napoleon as a loyal and reliable commander throughout the

1814年のキャンペーン を通じて、忠実で信頼できる指揮官としてナポレオンに仕え続け

Throughout the United State large numbers of young people enter college every year.


Also, a lot of houses were damaged; windows were often broken throughout the town.


- She cried throughout the night.
- She wept all the night.
- She cried all night.


Ney was rewarded with the title Prince of the Moskva, and continued to serve throughout

ネイはモスクヴァの王子の称号を授与され、 1813年

One eyewitness noted that throughout the ordeal,  he never neglected his appearance – even at the  

ある目撃者は、試練の間ずっと、彼は自分の容姿を決して無視しなかったと述べました。 ベレジナ川で

throughout the entire song regardless of the melody on top of it, and like little


Heavy rain throughout the night has hampered efforts to rescue survivors from the stricken ferry.


Remnants of the army, and served throughout the  campaign in Germany in 1813. By now, Napoleon’s  

サルベージするために懸命に働いた 、と、ナポレオンの 敵は、部分的にベルティエさんに触発され、自らの軍隊の一般的なスタッフを改質した

As Napoleon battled to save his empire. He commanded  Sixth Corps throughout the campaign in Germany,  

、マーモントは1813年に大陸軍と共に戻ってきました 。彼はドイツでのキャンペーンを通じて第6軍団を指揮し

A campaign is underway throughout the company to achieve economy in the use of copying paper.


Throughout the five years of painful cancer treatments, he managed to keep a stiff upper lip.


Throughout this period Bernadotte held key posts,  as Minister of War in 1799, Commander of the Army  

この期間中、ベルナドッテは1799年に戦争大臣 、1800年に西軍の 司令官 、1804年にハノーバー知事

- He became famous all over the world.
- He became world famous.
- He became famous throughout the world.


- Fibonacci numbers show up occasionally in nature.
- The fibonacci sequence makes numerous appearances throughout the natural world.


Local industry flourished throughout the land in the Edo period thanks to the promotional efforts by each clan.


- She cried throughout the night.
- She wept all the night.
- She wept the entire night.
- She cried all night.


I think that it's good and bad that throughout my life I will not be able to forget that event.


Throughout my life, I've had the great pleasure of travelling all around the world and working in many diverse nations.


Not only has eating with your fingers continued throughout the centuries, but some scholars believe that it may become popular again.


Cavities have become rarer in the developed countries and more people will be able to eat with their own teeth throughout their life.


- Husbands and wives should stand by each other throughout their lives.
- Husbands and wives should help each other as long as they live.


- He is a famous physicist not only in Japan, but in the world.
- He's a famous physicist not only in Japan, but throughout the world.


"My metabolism is such that no matter how much I eat I don't put on weight." "Just now, this second, you've made enemies of people throughout the world."


- She cried throughout the night.
- She kept crying all night.
- She kept crying all night long.
- She wept all the night.
- She wept the entire night.
- She cried all night.

- 彼女は一晩中泣き通した。
- 彼女は一晩中泣き続けた。
- 彼女は一晩中泣いた。

- And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America — the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can.
- And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in the United States — the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes we can.


- And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in America. The heartache and the hope, the struggle and the progress. The times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that American creed: Yes, we can.
- And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century in the United States. The heartache and the hope, the struggle and the progress. The times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that US creed: Yes, we can.

さらに私は今晩、アメリカで生きた100年以上の間にクーパーさんが目にした、ありとあらゆる出来事を思っています。心を破られるほどの悲しみ、そして希望。困難と、そして進歩。そんなことはできないと言われ続けたこと。にもかかわらず、ひたむきに前進し続けた人たちのこと。あのいかにもアメリカ的な信条を掲げて。Yes we can。私たちにはできる、と。

At Tatoeba it is necessary that all sentences are equivalent and natural. Therefore, for example, a French translation of an English sentence should not only be faithful, in order to be useful to an Englishman who is studying the French language, but also so that it can be learned as a model sentence by students of French throughout the world.
