Translation of "Specific" in Japanese

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Specific" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

It's patient-specific.


I want specific information.

- 具体的に話して欲しい。
- 具体的な情報が欲しい。

And in this specific instance,


Let's study a specific example.

- 特別の例について研究をしてみよう。
- 具体例について調べてみよう。

He has no specific aim.


That's a very specific question.


Some of these sounds are specific to English, some are specific to Spanish,

ある音は英語特有のもので ある音はスペイン語特有のものです

Or print the patient-specific implant.

患者個別の移植用に 造形したりできます

Due to a very specific genetic defect --

生存率 あるいは死亡率です

Is to embrace a specific disputable purpose.

議論の余地がある 特別な目的を 持たせることです

Will you please make a specific statement?


Please give him detailed and specific directions.


Since these technologies are very purpose-specific.


He asked for a specific amount of money.


We wanted to ask the very specific question:


As a result of this same specific genetic defect,


Which has been hated and erased in specific ways.

その存在は 特に嫌悪され ないがしろにされてきました

During these meetings, a specific theme keeps coming up.

こんな活動の中で ある主題が繰り返し現れました

Luo's home specialized in a very specific provincial craft --

ルーの家族も 地元の 特産品製造に携わっていました

He offered no specific explanation for his strange behavior.


A soft answer is a specific cure of anger.


The municipal council should concentrate more on specific issues.


In American football the defense has a specific job.


As you can see, it's patient-specific. That's one thing.

ご覧のように まず かつての下顎骨を

It is not about censorship or imposition of a specific discourse,


Gives you the possibly to create something that is patient-specific.

患者個別の造形を 可能にするのです

By using four types of metal, specific frequency resonance is suppressed.


To provide a solution that is patient-specific and that fits perfectly.

患者個別の移植が 完璧に適合できました

If a blog doesn't focus an a specific field it is fruitless.


And every time they have to refer to someone specific in this group,

何かある分野で 特定の誰かを示すべきときに

Is that it is highly complex to produce an implant that is patient-specific.

この患者個別への移植は 極めて複雑ですが

2ch, where there are many posts praising specific companies, or, conversely, denigrating their rivals.


Or shall we use it for specific cases such as the case of the little baby?

あるいは先程の赤ちゃんのような 例のためのものでしょうか?

An effective writer is one who knows what sort of words should be employed in any specific context.


The goal of the center should be to train young people from other countries within a specific time period.


Argument continues about the "White collar exemption" that exempts specific white collar workers from the "8 hours in 1 day, 40 hours a week," working hours fixed by the Labour Standards Act.
