Translation of "Rhythm" in Japanese

0.026 sec.

Examples of using "Rhythm" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

- I like the slow rhythm of that song.
- I like the slow rhythm of this song.


Samba is a Brazilian rhythm, isn't it?


I like the slow rhythm of that song.


It's useless if you don't do it with rhythm!


He taps a rhythm to get her in the mood.


Where the moon and tides determine the rhythm of life.

‎海の命をつかさどるのは ‎月と潮の干満

She'll become deeply connected to the rhythm of the ocean...


Light and noise pollution is changing the rhythm of life.

‎光と音の公害は ‎生活のリズムを変える

The lunar cycle determines the rhythm of the many dramas in the sea at night.

‎月の周期は夜の海で ‎数々のドラマを生み出す

The rhythm is light, and the tempo fast - that song is liked by young people.


Tom's translation is too focused on the rhythm of English translation, and ignores the nuances of the original.
