Translation of "Referring" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Referring" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

- What are you referring to?
- What're you referring to?


Who are you referring to?


Are you referring to me?


What are you referring to by "relationship"?


I wonder what you were referring to.


- What are you talking about?
- What are you referring to?
- What're you referring to?
- What're you talking about?


"Who is the Chinese boy that they are referring to?"

「チャイニーズボーイって 誰のことだろう?」

Love is merely a lyrical way of referring to lust.


"I think all fat people should go on a diet". "Are you referring to me"?


This is the second mail we send you referring to the invoice No.1111 which has not been settled.


English-language speakers are familiar with the phrase “once in a blue moon,” referring to something that happens rarely.

英語を話す人にお馴染みの「once in a blue moon」というフレーズは、稀に起こることを意味します。

Tom keeps referring to me as "omae" when he is drunk, but I want him to stop. I'm not his girlfriend.


Shugo is a colloquial way of referring to someone who can drink large quantities of alcohol and additionally not feel the effects of intoxication.
