Translation of "Positive" in Japanese

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Positive" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Does positive action build positive brain functioning?

良い行動は良い脳機能を 育むのではないかと

positive or negative,


Are you positive?

- 本当なの?
- 確かですか?

The tuberculin reaction was positive.


He made a positive answer.


These adjectives are all positive.


- I'm positive Tom can do that.
- I'm positive that Tom can do that.


Have some positive aspect to them.


Replacing the positive with the negative --

「ネガティブなものを ポジティブなものに変えること」

Whether they'd be positive or negative.

ポジティブなものでも ネガティブなものでも

Are significantly less accepting and positive.

著しくネガティブな 見方をしているそうです

Positive feedback from the athlete's coaches.


You have to consistently be positive.

どんな時でも Be positive (プラス思考)でなければなりません

- Is that true?
- Are you positive?

- 本当なの?
- それ本当?

Let's look on the positive side.


Are you positive of that report?


- Are you certain?
- Are you positive?


For a peaceful positive state of mind.


I am positive that he is wrong.


She is positive of passing the test.


- I am sure.
- I'm certain.
- I'm positive.


I am positive that he has finished.


Aspects that are not necessarily positive for people.

必ずしも人にとってポジティブではない 側面を捉えてです

It was positive, socially aware, and anti-drug.

ポジティブで社会意識が高い 反麻薬の音楽だったのに

Compared to about $15 million of positive advertising.

対照的に肯定的な広告に使われたのは 約1500万ドルでした

For something positive, for making a greater change,

何か前向きなものに使いたい― 今日 話された皆さんのように

Can positive risk-taking escalate with repeated exposures?

好ましい冒険心も繰り返すことで 増強されるのではないか

And usually helps us focus in positive ways.

普段 この領域は集中する上で 色々と助けてくれますが

Try to have a positive attitude about everything.


He gave a positive answer to my question.


I try to be positive all the time.

- 常に前向きでいようと心掛けているんだ。
- いつもポジティブでいようと努力してるんだ。

- Are you positive you saw me turn the stove off?
- Are you positive that you saw me turn the stove off?
- Are you positive you saw me turn off the stove?
- Are you positive that you saw me turn off the stove?


We can make a lasting positive impact on others.

私たちは他の人たちへ 永続的に 良い影響を与えることができます

They were more likely to give a positive response


How could something that was so positive for me


She shows a very positive attitude to her work.


And actually, life after social media can be quite positive.

実際に ソーシャルメディアなしの生活は とても前向きなものになるでしょう

Has allowed me to see the positive in any situation

どんな状況であってもポジティブな面を 見れるようになりました

Anger has a long history of bringing about positive change;

怒りには ポジティブな変化をもたらしてきた 長い歴史があります

It's because they raised me in such a positive way,

このように前向きな態度で 私を育ててくれたからです

I can't think of one positive urban legend about leopards.

ヒョウについての都市伝説に 肯定的なものは1つもない

If you want to make positive changes in your life,

自分の人生に ポジティブな変化をもたらしたいなら

People with cancer are automatically told to just stay positive.

がん患者は当然のように とにかくポジティブでいるよう言われます

And finally, remember to finish the conversation in a positive way

最後に 会話はポジティブに 終わらせましょう

A tabulation of positive and negative emotion words in news stories

報道記事に出てくるポジティブと ネガティブの感情語を数えると

But instead, if we can give them something positive to focus on,

けれどその代わりに 前向きに頑張れる何かを与えられたら

And they have so much power to actually have a positive influence,

いい影響を与える力を あんなに持っていながら

I've decided to be more positive and give it all I've got.


His openness is a very positive quality, although not without its drawbacks.


That tries to turn the negative impact of the bridge into a positive.

橋のネガティブな面を ポジティブに変えています

Looking back, I am extremely grateful for the positive response that I received,

振り返ると 私は学者からだけでなく この恐ろしい病気に冒された

- I am positive that he has finished.
- I'm certain that he has finished.


But 20 to even 30% of people who test positive for Covid-19 do.


- Are you sure?
- Are you sure about this?
- Are you certain?
- Are you positive?


- I am sure.
- I'm certain.
- I'm sure of it.
- I'm positive.
- I'm safe.
- I'm sure.


If Tom would learn to be a little more positive about things, people would probably like him a bit more.


I was charmed with it, adopted it, dropped my abrupt contradiction and positive argumentation, and put on the humble inquirer and doubter.


If you have a positive attitude, you are looking for ways to solve the problems that you can solve, and you are letting go of the things over which you have no control.
