Translation of "Headquarters" in Japanese

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Headquarters" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Our company's headquarters are in Tokyo.


The corporate headquarters is in Los Angeles.


The general commanded him to report to headquarters.


In China, we built a headquarters for an energy company

中国で作った エネルギー企業の本社ビルには

He criticised every decision, helping to create a poisonous atmosphere at French headquarters.


Command, as his unruly entourage and obsession  with plunder caused chaos at headquarters.

手に負えない側近と略奪への執着が本部で混乱を引き起こし たため、高官には適していないことを示しました 。

From Paris, he wrote to the Russian Emperor Alexander at Allied headquarters, informing

タレーランはパリから同盟軍本部の ロシア皇帝アレクサンドルへ手紙を送った

Appointed governor of Andalucia, Soult administered the region with cold efficiency from his headquarters

アンダルシアの知事に任命されたソウルト は、可能な限り厳しい措置を避けながら、セビリアの