Translation of "Clams" in Japanese

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Clams" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

These multitasking clams are reef builders,

この何でも屋の貝は サンゴ礁の育て役として―

"Why should people care about conserving giant clams?" --

「どうしてオオジャコガイなんかの保護を みんなが気にしなきゃいけないのか—

South Pacific legends once described giant clams as man-eaters

南太平洋の言い伝えでは 警戒心のないダイバーを捕えようと

So when giant clams start to disappear from coral reefs,

もしオオジャコガイが 姿を消し始めたら

Sea otters love to eat clams while swimming on their backs.


It turns out that giant clams have a giant impact on coral reefs.

実はオオジャコガイは サンゴ礁と 深い関わりがあることがわかります