Translation of "And get" in Japanese

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "And get" in a sentence and their japanese translations:

Hurry up and get in.


And get rid of this idea


Quit lazing around and get moving!


And we'll try and get the line across and get it to jam in a crevice.

裂け目にこれをはめて わたってみるよ

Roll up your sleeves and get busy.


Stay put. I'll come and get you.

- そこにいて下さい。迎えに行きますから。
- そこにいて。迎えに行くよ。

You can come and get it today.


Stop complaining and get back to work.


And get to feel like and be champions.

チャンピオンの気分を味わい 実際にチャンピオンになれるのです

Skip the pleasantries and get down to business.


Stop shooting the breeze and get to work!


Roll up your sleeves and get to work.


Cut the chit-chat and get to work.


I should go home and get some sleep.


Okay, I'm gonna try and get him into here.


Take it to a mechanic, and get it fixed.


I'm going to go and get my driver's license.


Push the job and get it done this week.


You'd better see a doctor and get a shot.


Just shut up and get on with your work!


I'll think about it and get back to you.


Put your hands up here and get' em wet.


That are different from us, and get to know them.

相手のことを知りたくなるような イメージを作りましょう

We're gonna have to try and get him out somehow.


And get it to the hospital as soon as possible,


Stop beating around the bush and get to the point.

- 遠回しに言うのは止めて要点を言ってくれ。
- 回りくどい言い方はやめて核心を言ってくれよ。

Go and get a chair from the next room, please.

- 隣の部屋から椅子を持って来て下さい。
- 隣の部屋からいすを1つ取ってきてください。

Once in a while, go outside and get some exercise.


Let's stop wasting time and get on with this work.


- Try and get some rest.
- Try to get some rest.


I wish summer break would hurry up and get here.


Would you go to the supermarket and get some butter?


"Today I need to pay my rent and get new tires."

例えば「今日家賃を払って 新しいタイヤを手に入れないと」とか

You're going to need to get out, and get help immediately.


Stop your grumbling and get the work out of the way.


Excuse me just a second. I'll go and get the whiskey.


Would you like to go and get a bite to eat?


You do such a thing once too often and get punished.


We'd better brainstorm about it together and get a better idea.


We must find out the cause and get rid of it.

- 私達はその原因を見つけて取り除かなくてはならない。
- 私たちはその原因を見つけて取り除かねばならない。

I always put off doing my homework and get into trouble.


Would you like to go out and get something to eat?


Our kids need to watch less video games and get outside more,

子どもはコンピューターゲームを減らして もっと外で遊ぶ必要があります

Try and get the fluids out of this? Or the barrel cactus?

これから水分をとる? タマサボテン?

And get to my place to put a bonsai on the table

鉄が足りないと言うから 降りてきてガンと座ったら

Secondly, go after some skills, and try and get good at them,

2つ目に スキルを身に付け 得意になりましょう

Okay, we wanna collect this guy and get him into this water bottle.


Pretty soon we'd better wrap up this break and get back to work.


If you want any more wine, go to the cellar and get some.


So, when he decided to go back and get his doctorate in biomathematics,

ですから生物数学の博士号を取ろうと 大学へ戻ることを決めた時には

I have to try and get the rope... over one of these high branches.

このロープを 上の枝に結びつけなくちゃね

We could head that way. We'll try and get some protection under the trees.

木の下でも 身を守れるだろう

So we need to call the chopper and get it to the hospital fast.

だからヘリを呼んで 病院へ運ぼう

So we need to call the chopper and get it to the hospital fast.

だからヘリを呼んで 病院へ運ぼう

Be sure to take the No.2 bus, and get off at 21st Street.


Only in philosophy can you use a circular argument and get praised for it.


Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and nourish yourself and get better soon.


Don't just read books. Go outside once in a while and get some exercise.


Try and get one out, there you go. You see that? It's actually not digested.

これが見えるか? 消化されてない

Buckle down and get to work. Do you think we're on a Sunday picnic here?


To be a good child, you need to go to bed and get up early.


It took a long time to break down her reserve and get her to relax.


I don't know much about taxes, so I go to an accountant and get advice.


The best thing you can do early on is try and get a bird's-eye view.

早く ふかんできる場所に 行くのがいい

Now we've only got 30 minutes to call for rescue and get ourselves to the hospital.

あと30分で救助を呼んで― 病院へ行かなきゃ

Now we've only got 30 minutes to call for rescue,  and get ourselves to the hospital.

あと30分で救助を呼んで― 病院へ行かなきゃ

Okay, so you want me to try and get some fluids out of these fire sticks.

ファイヤースティックスが いいんだな

Why don't we stop arguing over these piddling matters and get to the issues at hand?


Here I want to bring the introduction to a close and get to the real subject.


Tear gas leads people to run and break through windows in order to hide and get help.


If you plan well, you can spend less time doing unnecessary things and get the work done faster.


- I can't wait for summer vacation to start.
- I wish summer break would hurry up and get here.


Cat safety 101: Don’t ever run... ‘Cause it triggers an instinctual response that I gotta chase and get that.

安全の鉄則は “決して逃げるな” 本能的に捕まえようと 反応する

Okay, so you want me to dig to try and get the tarantula out? [whistles softly] Here we go.

掘ってタランチュラを つかまえるのか よし

[Bear] Remember, we need to find the anti-venom and get it to the hospital as soon as possible.

できるだけ早く病院へ― 抗毒液を届けなきゃ

- If you want to lose weight, then the best thing to do is to eat properly and get a lot of exercise.
- If you want to lose weight, the best thing to do is to eat properly and get a lot of exercise.


So we'll need to head east and move fast to get to the anti-venom, and get it out safely.

東に向かって早く 抗毒液を手に入れて― 安全に帰ろう

Eh? Have we run out of toner? Oh well, sorry, but can you go the staff-room and get some, Katou?
