Translation of "Goggles" in German

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Examples of using "Goggles" in a sentence and their german translations:

Tom removed his goggles.

Tom nahm seine Schwimmbrille ab.

- Tom took off his glasses.
- Tom took off his goggles.
- Tom took his goggles off.

Tom nahm seine Brille ab.

Why is Tom never wearing safety goggles?

Warum trägt Tom nie eine Schutzbrille?

- He took off his glasses.
- He took his goggles off.
- He took off his goggles.
- He removed his glasses.

Er nahm seine Brille ab.

- Tom removed his glasses.
- Tom took off his goggles.

Tom nahm seine Brille ab.

Tom always wears goggles when he rides his motorcycle.

Tom trägt beim Motorradfahren immer eine Schutzbrille.

There are people you have to watch through the beer goggles.

Es gibt Menschen, die muss man sich schönsaufen.

Water is leaking into my goggles. I don't think they fit right.

In meine Schwimmbrille kommt Wasser hinein. Ich glaube, sie passt nicht richtig.

- Tom should really wear safety glasses.
- Tom should technically be wearing safety goggles.

Tom sollte eigentlich eine Schutzbrille tragen.