Translation of "Destinies" in German

0.031 sec.

Examples of using "Destinies" in a sentence and their german translations:

Our destinies are in our hands, not predetermined.

Unser Schicksal liegt in unseren Händen, es ist nicht vorherbestimmt.

People should be the masters of their own destinies.

Jeder Mensch sollte Herr seines eigenen Schicksals sein.

Do you believe our destinies are controlled by the stars?

Glaubst du, dass unser Schicksal bestimmt wird von den Sternen?

And it's left for us to shape our lives and destinies

Das gibt uns die Chance, unser Leben und Schicksal selbst zu formen,

- Everyone ought to be a master of his own destiny.
- People should be the masters of their own destinies.
- Everyone ought to be the master of his own destiny.

Jeder Mensch sollte Herr seines eigenen Schicksals sein.