Translation of "Straighten" in French

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Straighten" in a sentence and their french translations:

- Straighten up.
- Straighten up!


Straighten up!

Redresse-toi !

Straighten up.


Straighten your back!

Redresse ton dos !

- Adjust your tie.
- Straighten your tie.

Ajuste ta cravate !

I straighten my hair every day.

Je me brosse les cheveux tous les jours.

The whole thing should straighten that out.

Le tout devrait redresser cela.

- Sit up straight.
- Straighten up.
- Don't slouch.

Tiens-toi droit.

Measures to straighten the river also destroyed huge floodplains.

Les mesures visant à redresser la rivière ont également détruit d'immenses plaines inondables.

- It was my turn to clean the room.
- It was my turn to straighten up the room.

C'était mon tour de ranger la chambre.