Translation of "Oddly" in French

0.083 sec.

Examples of using "Oddly" in a sentence and their french translations:

He's behaving oddly.

- Il se comporte étrangement.
- Il se comporte bizarrement.
- Il se comporte de façon bizarre.

Tom has been behaving oddly.

Tom se comporte bizarrement.

- Tom has been behaving oddly.
- Tom has been acting strangely.
- Tom is behaving oddly.

Tom se comporte bizarrement.

- He's behaving oddly.
- He's behaving weirdly.

- Il se comporte étrangement.
- Il se comporte bizarrement.
- Il se comporte de façon bizarre.

You are looking at me oddly.

Vous me regardez bizarrement.

- He behaves in a very strange fashion.
- He's behaving oddly.

Il se comporte bizarrement.

Oddly enough, without even being aware of it, we assume the one posture

Bizarrement, nous nous mettons inconsciemment dans la seule posture

The wealthy, self-indulgent young man felt oddly drawn to the strict, ascetic life led by members of some monastic orders.

Le jeune homme riche et complaisant se sentait étrangement attiré par la stricte vie ascétique menée par les membres de quelques-uns des ordres monastiques.