Translation of "Cram" in French

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Examples of using "Cram" in a sentence and their french translations:

Don't cram. Whatever you cram you will quickly forget.

Ne bachote pas. Tout ce que tu bachotes, tu l'oublieras rapidement.

She must cram in as much as she can.

Elle doit amasser autant que possible.

My cram school is a long way from here.

Ma boîte-à-bac se trouve loin d'ici.

During the pilgrimage an extra two million people cram into the city

Pendant le pèlerinage, deux millions de personnes supplémentaires s'entassent dans la ville

So that we could cram more of it into a really small space.

et en fourrer davantage dans un tout petit espace.

I suppose I'll be in trouble if I don't stay up all night to cram for the examination.

J'imagine que j'aurai des ennuis si je ne veille pas toute la nuit pour potasser mon examen.