Translation of "Correcting" in Dutch

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Correcting" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

We are correcting spelling mistakes.

We verbeteren spelfouten.

Tom is correcting exam papers.

- Tom corrigeert examenbladen.
- Tom verbetert examenbladen.
- Tom verbetert tentamenbladen.
- Tom corrigeert de tentamenbladen.

- I spend hours correcting phrases on Tatoeba.
- I spend hours correcting sentences on Tatoeba.

Ik breng uren door met zinnen op Tatoeba te corrigeren.

Correcting is sometimes harder than writing.

Verbeteren is soms moeilijker dan schrijven.

Correcting one another, we will all improve our Esperanto.

Door elkaar te corrigeren worden wij allen beter in Esperanto.

- Correcting is sometimes harder than writing.
- Sometimes to correct is harder than to write.

Verbeteren is soms moeilijker dan schrijven.