Translation of "Kaçamadı" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Kaçamadı" in a sentence and their english translations:

Tom kaçamadı.

- Tom was unable to escape.
- Tom couldn't get away.
- Tom wasn't able to escape.
- Tom can't escape.

Onlar kaçamadı.

They couldn't escape.

Hiç kimse kaçamadı.

No one was able to escape.

Tom benden kaçamadı.

Tom couldn't run away from me.

Sami saldırganlarından kaçamadı.

Sami couldn't run away from his assailants.

Dan para ile kaçamadı.

Dan couldn't escape with the money.

Yangından kaçamadı ve yanarak öldü.

He failed to escape from the fire and burned to death.