Translation of "Sustituir" in English

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Examples of using "Sustituir" in a sentence and their english translations:

Puedes sustituir el mascarpone por nata.

You can also replace the mascarpone with cream.

Intentamos sustituir el tratamiento por el trato.

we try to substitute the treatment with treatment.

La neurociencia no viene para sustituir a la educación.

Neuroscience doesn't come to replace education.

Si el vermut no está disponible, sustituir con ron.

If vermouth is not available, substitute with rum.

Y lo que deben hacer es sustituir un viejo hábito,

And what you're looking to do is replace an old habit,

No hemos logrado encontrar a nadie para sustituir a Tom.

We haven't been able to find anyone to replace Tom.

Las ventajas de sustituir a los trabajadores humanos por robots son las siguientes: los robots no exigen salario, los robots no se cansan y, lo más importante, los robots no se quejan con su jefe.

The advantages of replacing human workers with robots are the following: robots don't need salary, robots don't get tired, and, most importantly, robots don't complain about their boss.