Translation of "Ocurrido" in English

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Ocurrido" in a sentence and their english translations:

¿Cómo ha ocurrido?

How did this happen?

¿Ha ocurrido algo?

- Did something happen?
- Has something happened?

Nunca antes había ocurrido.

It had never happened before.

No se me había ocurrido

It had never occurred to me

¿Cómo pudo haber ocurrido eso?

How could that have happened?

Esto jamás ha ocurrido antes.

This has never happened before.

No puedo explicarme lo ocurrido.

I can't understand what happened.

¿Por qué ha ocurrido esto?

Why did this happen?

Esto no debió haber ocurrido.

It wasn't supposed to happen yet.

Parece que ha ocurrido algo.

It seems that something has happened.

Tom negó que hubiera ocurrido.

Tom denied that it had ever happened.

Tom ignora lo que ha ocurrido.

Tom is unaware of what has happened.

Se me ha ocurrido una idea.

- An idea came to me.
- I hit on an idea.

Algo le ha ocurrido al motor.

Something has happened to the engine.

Me ha ocurrido en muchas ocasiones.

I've had that in many cases.

¿Recuerdan si les ha ocurrido alguna vez?

Do you remember that somebody misjudged you?

Es posible que él sepa lo ocurrido.

It is possible that he may know the fact.

Tom se siente responsable por lo ocurrido.

Tom feels responsible for what happened.

Eso no ha ocurrido por mi culpa.

- It isn't my fault that it happened.
- It's not my fault it happened.
- It's not my fault that it happened.
- It isn't my fault it happened.

Haga de cuenta que nada ha ocurrido.

Just act as if nothing has happened.

¿Qué habría ocurrido si Tom hubiese venido?

- What would've happened if Tom had come?
- What would have happened if Tom had come?

Conté los días para ver cuándo había ocurrido.

I counted the days to see when it had happened.

¿No se os ha ocurrido cerrar las ventanas?

- Didn't it occur to you to shut the windows?
- Did it not occur to you to close the windows?

Explíquenme ustedes con detalle como ha ocurrido eso.

Explain to me in detail how it happened.

Todos estaban impacientes por saber qué había ocurrido.

Everybody was anxious to know what had happened.

Solo a Mary podría habérsele ocurrido algo así.

Only to Mary could something like this have happened.

No se le había ocurrido a ningún hombre analizar

No man had ever come up with the idea to analyze

Y le pregunté qué había ocurrido la noche anterior.

and asked him what had happened the night before.

Una cronología de hechos que aún no han ocurrido.

It is a chronology of things that haven't happened yet,

No puedo dar cuenta de lo que ha ocurrido.

I cannot account for what has happened.

Ve y ve por ti mismo qué ha ocurrido.

Go and see for yourself what has happened.

Nadie sabía con certeza cómo había ocurrido el accidente.

No one knew for certain how the accident happened.

Tengo que admitir que nunca se me había ocurrido.

I have to admit that I never thought of that.

- Parece que pasó algo.
- Parece que ha ocurrido algo.

It seems that something has happened.

Con el cataclismo global de inundaciones ocurrido 11 600 atrás.

linking a global flood cataclysm to the date of 11,600 years ago.

Debido a que la evidencia científica que verifica lo ocurrido

Because the scientific evidence that proved it happened

Estando en su lugar, se me habría ocurrido lo siguiente:

Well, if I were you, I would have guessed,

- ¿Por qué ha pasado esto?
- ¿Por qué ha ocurrido esto?

- Why did this happen?
- Why has this happened?
- Why was that?

No me puedo creer que no se me haya ocurrido.

I can't believe I didn't think of it.

Que no se nos habían ocurrido preguntar antes, por ejemplo:

that we never thought about asking before, like:

- ¿Qué ocurrió?
- ¿Qué pasó?
- ¿Qué ha pasado?
- ¿Qué ha ocurrido?

- What happened?
- What's happened?

Y lo que ha ocurrido a muchos otros por todo EE.UU.

and that has happened to many others across the United States.

En resumen, esa historia no habría ocurrido y, sin embargo, sucedió.

I mean, that story would never have happened, and yet it did.

Actualmente no tenemos evidencia de que haya ocurrido un crimen violento.

We currently have no evidence that a violent crime has occurred.

ocurrido con los tigres asiáticos polonia ha registrado todo este enorme

with the Asian tigers, Poland has registered this big growth

Si hubiera tenido cuidado, entonces el terrible accidente no hubiera ocurrido.

If he had been careful then, the terrible accident would not have happened.

Por la cara de ella pareciera que no había ocurrido nada.

She looks as if nothing had happened to her.

Tom les había dicho a los marineros lo que había ocurrido.

Tom had told the sailors what had happened.

¿Qué ha ocurrido con el glu-glú blanco, frío y cremoso?

What happened to white, creamy, cold glug-glug stuff?

Que están ocurriendo y han ocurrido en los países musulmanes y árabes.

that are occurring and have occurred in Muslim and Arab countries.

De repente, Jack se dio cuenta de lo que le había ocurrido.

Suddenly, Jack realized what had happened to him.

- ¿Por qué se lo dije?
- ¿Por qué se me ha ocurrido decírselo?!

What was I thinking telling him?

- Yo ya olvidé lo ocurrido.
- Ya me olvidé de lo que pasó.

I already forgot what happened.

De haber ocurrido en una ciudad, el accidente hubiera provocado un desastre.

Happening in a city, the accident would have caused a disaster.

- ¿Qué ocurrió?
- ¿Qué pasó?
- ¿Qué ha pasado?
- ¿Qué sucedió?
- ¿Qué ha ocurrido?

- What happened?
- What's the matter?
- What's happened?
- What has happened?

- Solo quiero saber qué ha pasado.
- Solo quiero saber qué ha ocurrido.

- I just need to know what happened.
- I just want to know what happened.

- Se me ha ocurrido un buen plan.
- He tramado un buen plan.

I've worked out a good plan.

Si ese accidente hubiera ocurrido en una ciudad, habría causado un desastre.

If that accident had happened in a city, it would have caused a disaster.

Aunque nunca en la vida se les hubiera ocurrido una idea de verdad.

even though they had never come up with an original idea.

De hecho, podríamos decir que el único área donde han ocurrido verdaderos cambios

In fact, we could say, that the only field where several disruptive innovations have

A los que nunca en la vida se les había ocurrido ningún proyecto interesante.

the ones who had never thought about any interesting projects.

Pero lo divertido fueron esas ideas y planes que no se me habían ocurrido

But the fun part were these ideas and plans that struck me

Eso es precisamente lo que ha ocurrido en Connecticut donde durante los últimos años

That is precisely what has happened in Connecticut where for the past few years

Desde el 9.11, atentados terroristas de gran escala han ocurrido en todo el mundo.

Since 9.11 large scale acts of terrorism have occurred all over the world.

- Debe de haber pasado algo allí abajo.
- Algo tiene que haber ocurrido allí abajo.

- Something must have happened down there.
- Something must've happened down there.

Si tuvieran un registro de que realmente esto ha ocurrido y ésta es su propiedad,

if they had a record of this really happening and it is their property,

- Se me ocurrió una idea.
- Se me ha ocurrido una idea.
- Me vino una idea.

An idea came to me.

- Quiero que todos sepan lo que pasó.
- Quiero que todo el mundo conozca lo ocurrido.

I want everyone to know what happened.

- Tom actuó como si nada hubiera pasado.
- Tom hizo como si no hubiera ocurrido nada.

Tom acted as if nothing had happened.

El calentamiento global desde 1997 ha ocurrido más de dos veces más rápido que previamente estimado.

Global warming since 1997 has occurred more than twice as fast as previously estimated.

Tom no tuvo valor para decirle a Mary lo que le había ocurrido a su perro.

Tom didn't have the heart to tell Mary what had happened to her dog.

- Es la primera vez que esto me ocurre.
- Es la primera vez que me ha ocurrido esto.

- It's the first time that this has happened to me.
- It's the first time this has happened to me.

- ¿No tienes tú la responsabilidad de todo lo que pasó?
- ¿No es responsabilidad tuya todo lo ocurrido?

You're responsible for everything that's happened, aren't you?

- Tom es el responsable de lo que ha ocurrido hoy.
- Tom es el responsable de lo que ocurrió hoy.

Tom is the one responsible for what happened today.

- ¿A que no adivina usted lo que me ha ocurrido hoy?
- ¡Apuesto que no adivinas lo que me sucedió hoy!

I'll bet you can't guess what happened to me today.

¿Cuántos hombres se necesitan para poner un nuevo rollo de papel higiénico cuando se ha terminado? No se sabe: nunca ha ocurrido.

How many men does it take to replace an empty toilet roll? No one knows, it's never happened.

- Eso tiene que haber sucedido mientras yo estaba fuera.
- Eso tiene que haber pasado mientras yo estaba fuera.
- Eso habrá ocurrido cuando yo no estaba.

- That must have taken place while I was away.
- That must've taken place while I was away.

- Tom le contó a Mary todo lo que sabía sobre lo que había pasado.
- Tom le dijo a Mary todo lo que sabía sobre lo que había ocurrido.

Tom told Mary everything he knew about what had happened.

En 1997, en segundo combate (el primero había ocurrido el año anterior), la supercomputadora Deep Blue, de IBM, derrotó al Gran Maestro Garry Kasparov por 3.5 X 2.5.

In 1997, in a second match (the first one had occurred the year before), IBM supercomputer Deep Blue defeated Grand Master Garry Kasparov by 3.5 X 2.5.