Translation of "Ganado" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Ganado" in a sentence and their english translations:

- ¡Has ganado!
- Has ganado.
- Tú ganaste.

- You've won!
- You've won.
- You have won.

¡He ganado!

I won!

¡Hemos ganado!

We've won!

¡Has ganado!

- You've won!
- You've won.

Has ganado.

You won.

Crío ganado.

I rear cattle.

¡Han ganado!

They won!

- Ha ganado muchas competiciones.
- Has ganado muchas competencias.

You won many competitions.

ganado en España.

earned in Spain.

He ganado peso.

- I have gained weight.
- I've gained weight.
- I've put on weight.

Has ganado peso.

- You have gained weight.
- You've gained weight.

Yo crío ganado.

I raise cattle.

Ya has ganado.

- You've already won.
- They've already won.

Ha ganado peso.

She has gained weight.

- ¡He ganado!
- ¡Gané!

I won!

El ganado come hierba.

Cattle feed on grass.

El ganado está marcado.

The cattle are marked with brands.

Ha ganado muchas competiciones.

- He won many competitions.
- She won many competitions.
- You won many competitions.

He ganado la partida.

I have won the game.

Hemos ganado un partido.

We only won one game.

Han ganado muchas competiciones.

They've won many competitions.

¿Quién ha ganado hoy?

Who won today?

Nunca he ganado nada.

I've never won anything.

Hemos ganado una batalla.

We've won a battle.

Todos dicen haber ganado.

Everyone says they won.

- Te has ganado un buen descanso.
- Se han ganado un buen descanso.

You've earned a good rest.

Porque sabía que había ganado

because I knew that I had succeeded

Todo su ganado es grasa.

Their cattle are all fat.

He ganado el primer premio.

I've won first prize!

Él ha ganado mucho dinero.

He has earned a lot of money.

Tenemos diez cabezas de ganado.

- We have ten head of livestock.
- We have ten head of cattle.

- ¿Quién ganó?
- ¿Quién ha ganado?

Who won?

Él cría caballos y ganado.

He raises horses and cattle.

Elena ha ganado el premio.

Helen has won the prize.

- Has engordado.
- Has ganado peso.

- You have gained weight.
- You've gained weight.

Tenía doscientas cabezas de ganado.

He had two hundred head of cattle.

Ellos robaron caballos y ganado.

They stole horses and cattle.

Italia ha ganado el campeonato.

Italy won the championship.

Tú has ganado esto, Tom.

You've earned this, Tom.

¿Quién ha ganado las elecciones?

Who won the election?

Tom ha ganado numerosos premios.

- Tom has won numerous prizes.
- Tom has won many prizes.

Me pregunto quien había ganado.

I wonder who won.

No ha ganado ninguna elección.

He hasn't won an election.

Ella ha ganado numerosos premios.

- She has won numerous prizes.
- She has won numerous awards.

- Un centavo ahorrado es un centavo ganado.
- Un peso ahorrado es un peso ganado.

- A penny saved is a penny earned.
- A penny saved is a penny gained.

Ovejas, ganado, ciervos. Y nunca salen.

sheep, cattle, deer, and then never get out. -[splashing] -Oh, god. It's like...

El ganado se murió de hambre.

The cattle starved to death.

Si hubiera trabajado mucho, habría ganado.

Had he worked harder, he could have succeeded.

Ha ganado una medalla de oro.

He won a gold medal.

Lo siento pero ya he ganado.

Sorry, but I've already won.

Se han ganado un buen descanso.

You've earned a good rest.

¿Han ganado tus hermanos el partido?

Have your brothers won the match?

El ganado principal son las ovejas.

The principal livestock is sheep.

Justo cuando creímos haber ganado la guerra,

because just when we thought the war was won,

Y ya ha ganado algo de experiencia.

and has already gained some experience.

Otros son originalmente amplias praderas de ganado

Others are originally broad cattle meadows

Su ganado a los pastos del bosque.

their cattle to the forest pastures.

Todavía no ha ganado la Torre Henninger.

He has not yet won the Henninger Tower.

Presumía de haber ganado el primer premio.

She boasted of having won the first prize.

Tom no debería haber ganado la carrera.

Tom shouldn't have won the race.

- He subido de peso.
- He ganado peso.

- I have gained weight.
- I've gained weight.
- I've put on weight.

- Ganamos el concurso.
- Hemos ganado el concurso.

- We won the contest!
- We won the contest.

El candidato republicano ha ganado las elecciones.

The Republican candidate won the election.

Tom podría haber ganado si hubiera querido.

Tom could've won if he'd wanted to.

Un peso ahorrado es un peso ganado.

- A penny saved is a penny earned.
- A penny saved is a penny gained.
- Penny saved is penny got.

- ¿Quién ha ganado hoy?
- ¿Quién ganó hoy?

Who won today?

Puede que no hayan ganado el partido.

Maybe they hadn’t won the game.

Al final le he ganado a Tomás.

I finally defeated Tom.

Llovió y el campamento de ganado se terminó,

It rained and cattle camp was ended,

Has ganado la carrera ciclista alemana más importante.

You have won the most important German cycle race.

Centenares de ganado se dirigieron hacia el lago.

- Hundreds of buffaloes moved toward the lake.
- Hundreds of cattle went to the lake.

Él se jactó de haber ganado el premio.

He boasted of having won the prize.