Translation of "Comprendo" in English

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "Comprendo" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Entiendo esto.
- Comprendo esto.
- Lo comprendo.

I understand this.

- Comprendo los problemas.
- Comprendo la situación.

I understand the issues.

Comprendo totalmente.

I totally get it.

No comprendo.

- I do not understand.
- I don't understand.

Comprendo los riesgos.

I understand the risks.

Comprendo tus preocupaciones.

I understand your concerns.

Comprendo el ruso.

I understand Russian.

Comprendo los problemas.

I understand the issues.

Comprendo tu punto.

I see your point.

Gracias, ahora comprendo.

Thanks, I understand now.

No los comprendo.

- I don't know this.
- I don't understand these.

No te comprendo.

I don't get you.

Lo que comprendo ahora

What I now understand

Comprendo cómo te sientes.

I understand how you feel.

Comprendo lo que insinúa.

I understand the allusion.

- No entiendo.
- No comprendo.

- I don't get it.
- I do not understand.
- I don't understand.

- Lo entiendo.
- Lo comprendo.

- I get it.
- I understand it.

Comprendo que lo arruiné.

I realize I messed up.

Yo comprendo tu lengua.

I understand your language.

Yo comprendo su ira.

I understand his anger.

No, no lo comprendo.

- No, I don't understand it.
- No, I don't get it.

- Entiendo por qué.
- Comprendo por qué.
- Entiendo el porqué.
- Comprendo el porqué.

I understand why.

En cierto modo lo comprendo.

I sort of understand.

Finalmente comprendo el sistema óseo.

I finally understand the skeletal system.

No comprendo esta confusa gramática.

I don't understand this confusing grammar question.

Comprendo que él esté enojado.

- I get that he's angry.
- I understand that he's angry.

En el fondo lo comprendo.

I sort of understand.

No comprendo bien el francés.

I don't understand French very well.

Siento como que comprendo tus sentimientos.

I feel like I understand your feelings.

Yo comprendo un poco de japonés.

I understand Japanese a little.

Comprendo cuando no hablas muy rápido.

I understand you when you don't speak very quickly.

Te comprendo pero que muy bien.

I understand you only too well.

No comprendo qué quiere decir eso.

I don't understand what that means.

Comprendo que es difícil de creer.

- I realize it's hard to believe.
- I realize that it's hard to believe.

No comprendo lo que estás diciendo.

- I don't understand what you are saying.
- I don't understand what you're saying.

- No comprendo esto.
- No entiendo eso.

I don't understand that.

- Le entiendo.
- Os entiendo.
- Os comprendo.

- I understand you.
- I understand you!

- No lo entiendo.
- No lo comprendo.

I fail to see.

- Ya sé.
- Ya entiendo.
- Ya comprendo.

I know.

No comprendo por qué ha hecho eso.

- I cannot figure out why he has done that.
- I can't understand why he did that.
- I have no idea why he did that.

No comprendo lo que ella precisamente quiere.

I can't understand what precisely she wants.

- No entiendo.
- No comprendo.
- No lo entiendo.

- I don't get it.
- I do not understand.
- I don't understand.
- I don't understand it.

- No entiendo.
- No comprendo.
- No entiendo nada.

I don't understand.

No comprendo el significado exacto de esa frase.

- I do not understand the exact meaning of this sentence.
- I don't understand the exact meaning of this sentence.

No comprendo muy bien el plan que presentaron.

I really don't understand the plan they presented.

No comprendo por qué es necesario todo esto.

I don't understand why all this is necessary.

No comprendo qué es lo que quiere decir.

I don't understand what she wants to say.

No comprendo qué es lo que quieres decir.

I have no idea what you mean.

- Perdone, pero no entiendo.
- Perdóneme, pero no comprendo.

- I'm sorry, but I don't understand.
- Sorry, but I don't understand.

No comprendo por qué la gente cree en fantasmas.

I don't understand why people believe in ghosts.

- No entiendo esta parte.
- Esta parte no la comprendo.

I don't understand this part.

"Comprendo las raíces virulentas de esta palabra: es la esclavitud".

"I understand the virulent roots of this word, it's slavery."

- No entiendo.
- No comprendo.
- No lo entiendo.
- No lo cojo.

- I don't get it.
- I don't understand.

- No lo entiendo.
- Eso no lo entiendo.
- No comprendo esto.

I don't understand it.

Comprendo lo que usted dice, pero no puedo estar de acuerdo.

While I see what you say, I can't agree with you.

- No comprendo lo que estás diciendo.
- No entiendo lo que dices.

- I cannot understand what you say.
- I don't understand what you are saying.
- I don't understand what you're saying.

- Verdaderamente no entiendo esta parte.
- En realidad no comprendo esta parte.

I don't really understand this part.

- No entiendo lo que dijo el profesor.
- No entiendo lo que dijo el maestro.
- No comprendo lo que dijo el profesor.
- No comprendo lo que dijo el maestro.

I don't understand what the teacher said.

Sin importar cuánto lo piense no comprendo cómo ella obtuvo esa información secreta.

It beats me how she could have gotten that secret information.

- No lo entiendo.
- Yo no entiendo esto.
- No lo cojo.
- No comprendo esto.

- I don't get it.
- I don't understand this.
- I don't understand it.
- I don't get this.
- I don't understand that.

- No capto el sentido de todo esto.
- No comprendo el significado de todo esto.

I don't get the meaning of all of this.

- No lo entiendo.
- Eso no lo entiendo.
- Yo no entiendo esto.
- No comprendo esto.

- I don't get it.
- I don't understand this.
- I don't understand it.
- I don't get this.
- I don't understand that.
- I'm not getting this.

- No entiendo lo que dijo el maestro.
- No comprendo lo que dijo el maestro.

I don't understand what the teacher said.

Al que pertenezco, en el que comprendo lo que sé, en el que estoy capacitado.

where I belong, where I understand what I know, and where I'm capable.

- No comprendo por qué ha hecho eso.
- No puedo entender por qué él hizo eso.

- I cannot figure out why he has done that.
- I can't understand why he did that.

- No comprendo lo que él intenta decir.
- No entiendo lo que él trata de decir.

I can't understand what he is trying to say.

- Claro que lo entiendo.
- Sí que lo entiendo.
- Sí que lo comprendo.
- Ya lo he pillado.

I do understand.

Comprendo que esto puede sonar loco, pero creo que me he enamorado de tu hermana menor.

- I realize that this may sound crazy, but I think I've fallen in love with your younger sister.
- I realize that this may sound crazy, but I think that I've fallen in love with your younger sister.
- I realize this may sound crazy, but I think that I've fallen in love with your younger sister.
- I realize this may sound crazy, but I think I've fallen in love with your younger sister.
- I realize that this might sound crazy, but I think I've fallen in love with your younger sister.

Soy un hablante de inglés no nativo y comprendo que hay mucho que aún necesito aprender.

I'm a non-native speaker of English and realize there is a lot that I still need to learn.

- No comprendo lo que estás diciendo.
- No entiendo lo que dices.
- No entiendo lo que dice usted.

- I cannot understand what you say.
- I don't understand what you are saying.
- I don't understand what you're saying.