Translation of "Capacitado" in English

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Examples of using "Capacitado" in a sentence and their english translations:

El equipo estaba capacitado y coordinado.

The team was skilled and coordinated.

Tom no está capacitado para ese trabajo.

Tom is unfit for that job.

Él está más capacitado para enseñar que yo.

He is better able to teach than I am.

Tom no cree estar capacitado para el trabajo.

- Tom doesn't think he is up to the job.
- Tom doesn't think that he's up to the job.
- Tom doesn't think he's up to the job.

No creo que John esté capacitado para ese trabajo.

I don't think John is suited for the job.

Para emitir un juicio razonable, hay que estar capacitado.

To make good judgments, one must have a sound mind.

No importa cuán capacitado estés, no vas a conseguir un ascenso.

No matter how capable you are, you're not going to get a promotion.

El hecho es que no importa lo capacitado que uno esté para mirar,

The fact is that no matter how skilled you might be at looking,

Al que pertenezco, en el que comprendo lo que sé, en el que estoy capacitado.

where I belong, where I understand what I know, and where I'm capable.