Translation of "Esté" in English

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Esté" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Iré cuando esté listo.
- Iré cuando esté lista.

I'll go when I'm ready.

- Dondequiera esté, está cerca.
- Dondequiera que esté, está cerca.

Wherever it is, it's close.

Salvo que esté rezando,

unless it's in prayer,

Comamos mientras esté caliente.

Let's eat while the food is warm.

Él quizás esté muerto.

He is probably dead.

Espero que esté bien.

I hope he'll be OK.

Puede que esté equivocado.

- I might be wrong.
- Maybe I'm wrong.

Él posiblemente esté equivocado.

He's probably wrong.

Ella posiblemente esté equivocada.

She's probably wrong.

Esperemos que esté bien.

- Let's hope he's all right.
- Let's hope she's all right.

Espero que esté equivocada.

I hope she's wrong.

Probablemente Tom esté bien.

Tom is probably OK.

Quizá solo esté loco.

Maybe I'm just crazy.

Puede que esté bien.

It may be all right.

Come mientras esté caliente.

Eat while it's warm.

No esté tan seguro.

Don't be so sure.

Visítenos cuando esté libre.

Do come and see us when you are free.

Que todo esté preparado.

Have everything ready.

Puede que esté borracho.

- He may be drunk.
- He might be drunk.

Iré cuando esté listo.

I'll go when I'm ready.

- Espero no te esté aburriendo.
- Espero que no te esté aburriendo.

I hope I'm not boring you.

Esté como esté el tiempo, voy a ir de todas formas.

I will go, be the weather what it may.

- No es que esté enfadado contigo.
- No es que esté enfadada contigo.

It is not that he's angry with you.

Siempre y cuando esté supervisada,

So long as they were supervised,

Aunque no esté en racha.

I'm not on fire.

Espero que mañana esté mejor.

I hope it's better tomorrow.

Que Dios esté con nosotros.

May God be with us.

Puede que Tom esté equivocado.

- Tom may be wrong.
- Tom might be wrong.

¡Espero que todo esté bien!

I hope all is well!

Espero que todo esté bien.

- I hope everything is okay.
- I hope that everything is okay.
- I hope that everything is in order.

Espero que esté a salvo.

I hope she's safe.

Espero que no esté enfermo.

I hope he isn't ill.

Espero que ella esté bien.

- I hope she's all right.
- I hope she is okay.
- I hope she's okay.
- I hope she is OK.

Tal vez él esté mintiendo.

It is possible that he is telling a lie.

Quiero que todo esté perfecto.

I want everything to be perfect.

No creo que esté fingiendo.

I don't think she's faking.

Puede que Tom esté ocupado.

- Tom might be busy.
- Tom may be busy.

Espero que no esté enojado.

I hope that you are not angry.

Espero que Tom esté feliz.

I hope Tom is happy.

Me pide que esté atento.

He asks me to be attentive.

Come mientras aún esté caliente.

Eat, while it's still hot.

Puede que Tom esté enamorado.

Maybe Tom is in love.

Tom probablemente esté en avión.

Tom is probably on a plane.

Comprendo que él esté enojado.

- I get that he's angry.
- I understand that he's angry.

Es posible que esté equivocado.

- Perhaps you are mistaken.
- Maybe you're wrong.

Espero que Tom esté bien.

- I hope Tom will be OK.
- I hope that Tom will be OK.

Puede que esté en peligro.

He may be in danger.

Puede que Tom esté enfadado.

Tom is probably angry.

Puede que Tom esté allí.

- Tom might be there.
- Tom may be there.

Llámame en cuanto esté lista.

As soon as she is ready, give me a call.

Esperamos que Tom esté bien.

We hope Tom is OK.

¿Qué será cuando esté hecho?

What could it be when it's done?

No creo que esté solo.

I don't think he's alone.

No creo que esté sola.

I don't think she's alone.

Que esté en riesgo de MGF.

who is at risk of FGM.

Y esté fuera de la jaula.

and go outside the cell.

E infelicidad esté en manos de

and outsourcing our unhappiness

Y donde esté, estaré por ti.

And wherever I am, I'll be there for you,

Aunque todo el lago esté congelado,

So, even though this whole lake is frozen over...

Puede que esté un poco asustado.

He may be a little scared.

Espero que tu hermano esté mejor.

- I hope your brother is better.
- I hope that your brother is better.

¿Me representarías mientras yo esté ausente?

Could you act for me while I'm out?

Es bastante normal que esté enfadada.

It is completely natural for her to be mad.

No creo que ella esté feliz.

I don't think she is happy.

Ojalá esté todo bien en casa.

I hope everything is fine at home.

No le hables cuando esté estudiando.

Don't talk to him while he's studying.