Translation of "Campesinos" in English

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Campesinos" in a sentence and their english translations:



Los campesinos estaban sembrando arroz.

The peasants were planting rice.

Los campesinos pobres comían papas.

The poor peasants ate potatoes.

Los campesinos vociferan su propio grito de batalla: "¡Cuidado, Guardia, aquí vienen los campesinos!"

The peasants shout their own battle cry: "Look out, Guard, here come the peasants!"

Muchos campesinos murieron durante la sequía.

Many peasants died during the drought.

campesinos chinos se vieron obligados a

Chinese peasants were forced to

Matamos a una banda de campesinos.

We were slaughtering this band of peasants.

Muchos campesinos huyeron, dejando muchas áreas despobladas.

Many peasants fled, leaving some areas depopulated.

Esos campesinos urgentemente necesitan tierra para cultivar arroz.

Those peasants badly need land to grow rice.

A pesar de la ferocidad del ataque inicial, los campesinos se mantienen firmes.

Despite the ferocity of the initial attack, the farmers hold their ground.

En este pueblo de mala muerte, la mayoría de los campesinos son analfabetos.

Most of the peasants living in this godforsaken village are illiterate.

A menudo los campesinos se ocupan en una actividad secundaria para complementar sus ingresos.

Peasants often have a secondary activity to augment their income.

Sus fincas son confiscadas y entregadas a los campesinos quienes, a cambio, serán entrenados para servicio

Their estates are confiscated and given to the peasants who, in exchange, are to be trained

Una de las características del Antiguo Régimen es que casi todo el mundo tenía privilegios, excepto los campesinos.

One of the characteristics of the Ancien Régime is that almost everybody had privileges, except peasants.

Por un largo tiempo, la sociedad fue fuertemente jerárquica y desigual, compuesta principalmente de campesinos. La población más retrasada y empobrecida era aplastada por el yugo de los impuestos, guerras y hambrunas.

For a long time, society was strongly hierarchical and unequal, primarily composed of peasants. The most backward, impoverished segment of the population, they were crushed by the weight of taxes, wars, and famines.