Translation of "¿eras" in English

0.208 sec.

Examples of using "¿eras" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Eras mío.
- Eras mía.

You were mine.

Eras guapo.

You were handsome.

- Tú eras mi amigo.
- Eras mi amiga.

You were my friend.

- Supuse que eras canadiense.
- Suponía que eras canadiense.
- Me pensé que eras canadiense.
- Me pensaba que eras canadiense.
- Presumía que eras canadiense.

- I assumed you were Canadian.
- I assumed that you were Canadian.

- Pensamos que eras casado.
- Pensamos que eras casada.

We thought that you were married.

- Pensé que eras hispano.
- Pensé que eras hispana.

I thought you were Hispanic.

Eras mi amiga.

You were my friend.

¡Eras tan feliz!

You were so happy.

Eras muy feliz.

You were so happy.

No eras tú.

It wasn't you.

Eras tan fuerte.

You were so strong.

¿Eras tú, Tom?

Was it you, Tom?

Eras el mejor.

You were the best one.

Pensé que eras inteligente".

I thought you were smart."

Tú eras mi amigo.

You were my friend.

Pensé que eras feliz.

- I thought you were happy.
- I thought that you were happy.

Pensé que eras canadiense.

- I thought you were Canadian.
- I thought that you were Canadian.

Pensé que eras otro.

- I thought you were someone else.
- I thought that you were someone else.

Pensaba que eras Tom.

- I thought you were Tom.
- I thought that you were Tom.

Eras mi mejor amigo.

You were my best friend.

Pensé que eras profesor.

- I thought you were a teacher.
- I thought that you were a teacher.

No eras tan malo.

You weren't that bad.

- Fuisteis arrogantes.
- Eras arrogante.

You were overconfident.

Pensaba que eras enfermera.

I thought that you were a nurse.

No sabía que eras así.

- I didn't know you were that kind of a person.
- I didn't know that you were that kind of a person.

Pensé que eras mi amigo.

- I thought you were my friend.
- I thought that you were my friend.

Pensaba que eras de Boston.

- I thought you were from Boston.
- I thought that you were from Boston.

Nunca seré lo que eras.

I can't ever be what you were.

Pensé que eras un amigo.

- I thought you were a friend.
- I thought that you were a friend.

Eras cómplice de Tom, ¿no?

You were Tom's accomplice, weren't you?

No sabía que eras dentista.

- I didn't know you were a dentist.
- I didn't know that you were a dentist.

No sabía que eras canadiense.

- I didn't know you were Canadian.
- I didn't know that you were Canadian.

No sabía que eras casada.

- I didn't know you were married.
- I didn't know that you were married.

No sabía que eras rico.

- I didn't know you were rich.
- I didn't know that you were rich.

No sabía que eras supersticioso.

- I didn't know you were superstitious.
- I didn't know that you were superstitious.

¿Eras tú consciente de esto?

Were you aware of this?

¿Eras tú anoche en televisión?

Was that you on TV last night?

Sabía que no eras tú.

I knew it wasn't you.

Siempre supe que eras inocente.

- I always knew you were innocent.
- I always knew that you were innocent.

No eras difícil de encontrar.

You weren't difficult to find.

¿El del auto eras tú?

Was that you in the car?

The, eras solo discutiéndolo,

The, you were just discussing it,

- Yo no sabía que eras un pajero.
- No sabía que tú eras tan pendejo.

I didn't know you were such a wanker.

Tú eras el que estaba equivocado.

It was you that were wrong.

- Eras realmente frío.
- Estuviste realmente frío.

You were really cold.

Pensé que eras mi mejor amigo.

- I thought you were my best friend.
- I thought that you were my best friend.

Creía que eras amigo de Tom.

- I thought you were Tom's friend.
- I thought that you were Tom's friend.

Siempre he pensado que eras canadiense.

I've always thought you were a Canadian.

No sabía que eras de Boston.

- I didn't know you were from Boston.
- I didn't know that you were from Boston.

Yo sabía que eras tú, Tom.

I knew it was you, Tom.

Me dijeron que eras de fiar.

I was told you were reliable.

Nunca me dijiste que eras casado.

- You never told me that you were married.
- You never told me you were married.

No sabía que tú eras doctor.

- I didn't know you were a doctor.
- I didn't know that you were a doctor.

¿Eras capaz de vencer a Tom?

Were you able to beat Tom?

Siempre pensé que eras de Boston.

I've always thought you were from Boston.

Eras la rata de biblioteca, eras un poco el "friki", y no estaba muy bien visto.

you were the library rat, some kind of "geek", which wasn't very good.

Pensé que eras un hombre de honor.

- I thought you were a man of honor.
- I thought that you were a man of honor.

No me dijiste que eras tan ambicioso.

- I didn't know you were so ambitious.
- I didn't know that you were so ambitious.

No tenía idea de que eras profesor.

- I had no idea you were a teacher.
- I had no idea that you were a teacher.

¿Creías en Santa Claus cuando eras niño?

Did you believe in Santa Claus when you were a child?

¿Cuáles eran tus aficiones cuando eras adolescente?

- What was your hobby as a teenager?
- What was your hobby when you were a teenager?

No sabía que eras un furro, Tom.

I didn't know you were a furry, Tom.

Supe de inmediato que eras un favorito.

I knew straight away that you were a favorite.

"Pensé que eras japonés." "No, soy mexicano."

"I thought you were Japanese." "No, I'm a Mexican."

- Creía que eras más viejo.
- Creía que eras mayor.
- Creía que serías mayor.
- Creía que serías más mayor.

- I thought you'd be older.
- I thought that you'd be older.

Si estabas en Matemática 1, eras la realeza.

If you were in maths 1, you were like royalty.

Eres tan irritante como eras cuando te conocí.

You're just as annoying as you were the last time I met you.

Tomás me contó que eras un poco nervioso.

Tom told me you were a little nervous.

- Vosotros fuisteis simpáticos.
- Ustedes eran simpáticos.
- Eras simpático.

You were nice.

No me dí cuenta de que eras canadiense.

- I didn't realize you were Canadian.
- I didn't realize that you were Canadian.

- Asumí que eran felices.
- Asumí que eras feliz.

- I assumed you were happy.
- I assumed that you were happy.

Tom nos dijo que tú también eras canadiense.

- Tom told us you were Canadian, too.
- Tom told us that you were Canadian, too.

¿Por qué no me dijiste que eras canadiense?

Why didn't you tell me you were Canadian?

No eras un buen estudiante hace dos años.

You were not a good student two years ago.

¿Cuál era tu libro favorito cuando eras niño?

What was your favorite book when you were a child?

¿Eras capaz de hacer eso por ti mismo?

Were you able to do that by yourself?

Si estabas en Matemática 4, eras de la media.

So if you were in maths 4, that made you just about average.

Pensé que habías dicho que solo eras un niño.

- I thought you said you were an only child.
- I thought that you said you were an only child.
- I thought that you said that you were an only child.
- I thought you said that you were an only child.

Pensé que habías dicho que eras malo en francés.

- I thought you said you were bad at French.
- I thought that you said you were bad at French.

¡Nos preguntábamos quién era, y resulta que eras tú!

We were wondering who it was, and it turns out that it was you!

Me di cuenta de que ni siquiera me eras fiel;

I realized you weren't even faithful to me:

Lo vi la semana pasada por primera vez en eras.

I met him last week for the first time in ages.

- Simplemente pensé que estabas feliz.
- Simplemente pensé que eras feliz.

I just thought you were happy.

Si no recuerdo mal, en esa época eras bastante optimista.

If I remember correctly, you were quite optimistic at that time.