Translation of "¿dicen" in English

0.034 sec.

Examples of using "¿dicen" in a sentence and their english translations:


They are saying,

Algunos dicen esto, otros dicen aquello.

Some say this, and others say that.

Como dicen

So, you know like they say,

Eso dicen

so they say

¿Qué dicen?

What are they saying?

Y dicen: "Sí".

They respond, "Yes."

No dicen "nosotras".

Women don't say "us".

Hay quienes dicen

There are those who say

¿Dicen G-Unit?

You mean G-Unit?

Dicen ser canadienses.

They claim they're Canadians.

¿Qué dicen, muchachos?

What do you say, guys?

- Dicen que está enfermo.
- Dicen que ella está enferma.

- They say he's sick.
- They say she's sick.

- Dicen que él es multimillonario.
- Dicen que él es millonario.

- It is said that he is a millionaire.
- He is said to be very rich.
- I hear that he's very rich.
- They say that he's very rich.

- ¿Cómo te dicen tus amigos?
- ¿Cómo les dicen sus amigos?

What do your friends call you?

- Aquellos dicen que yo soy una vieja.
- Dicen que soy una anciana.
- Dicen que soy una mujer mayor.
- Dicen que soy una vieja.

They say that I'm an old woman.

Como dicen Uds., ¿eh?

like you call them here, eh?

¿Te dicen la verdad?

Are they telling you the truth?

Mis alumnos negros dicen

My black students tell me

Dicen que es honesto.

He is said to be honest.

Dicen que murió aquí.

He is said to have died here.

Dicen que está enferma.

It is said that she is ill.

Esos ojos dicen todo.

Those eyes say everything.

Dicen que sigue vivo.

It is said that he is still alive.

Entiendo lo que dicen.

- I can understand what you are saying.
- I hear what you're saying.
- I understand what they're saying.

Dicen que está enfermo.

They say he's sick.

Dicen que es diligente.

They say he is diligent.

Dicen que no volverá.

They say he's gone for good.

Es lo que dicen.

They mean it.

¿Y qué me dicen?

And what do they tell me?

Dicen que ha muerto.

- They say she died.
- They say she's dead.

Dicen que es enorme.

They say it's huge.

Dicen que viajar educa.

They say that travelling is educational.

Todos dicen haber ganado.

Everyone says they won.

Y cuándo lo dicen,

and when they're saying it,

- Dicen que soy una anciana.
- Dicen que soy una mujer mayor.

They say that I'm an old woman.

Lo dicen muchas más personas.

A lot more people say so.

Y dicen: "bien, tuve suerte".

and you say: "Okay, I got lucky."

Y es verdad cuando dicen:

And it's true when they say:

Ellos dicen "nosotros", se identifican.

they say "us", they recognize themselves.

Con lo que se dicen

with what you say to yourself

Para entender lo que dicen.

to know what they say.

Dicen que eres una guerrera.

They say you're a warrior.

Dicen que en la sociedad

They say that in society

Hay quienes dicen que viajaré

There are those who say I will travel

Dicen que ella está enferma.

They say she's sick.

Los sueños dicen la verdad.

Dreams tell the truth.

Dicen que va a llover.

They say it will rain.

Lo que dicen es imposible.

What you say is impossible.

Dicen que él es millonario.

It is said that he is a millionaire.

Dicen que nació en Alemania.

They say that she was born in Germany.

Dicen que habrá elecciones pronto.

It is said that there will be an election soon.

¿Por qué demonios lo dicen?

Why on earth do you say that?

Dicen que la guerra terminó.

They say that the war is finished.

En la primera se dicen:

In the first you say to yourself,

Dicen que es muy rico.

- They say he is very rich.
- They say that he is very rich.

Todos dicen que es culpable.

Everyone says that he's guilty.

Dicen que él es multimillonario.

They say that he's a multimillionaire.

Todos dicen que son inocentes.

Everyone says they're innocent.

Si todos dicen, hey Neil,

If everyone's saying, hey Neil,

Algunas personas dicen que él fue asesinado, otras dicen que él se mató.

Some people say he was murdered, others say he killed himself.

- Dicen que ese medicamento no es seguro.
- Dicen que esa droga no es segura.

- They say that that drug is not safe.
- They say that drug is not safe.
- They say that drug isn't safe.
- They say that that drug isn't safe.

Las simulaciones de computadora nos dicen

Now, computer simulations tell us

Otros dicen que en 5 años.

Some say five years.

Lo que realmente les dicen es:

What you're really telling them is:

Y hay algunas mujeres que dicen:

And some women say:

Y, entonces, nos dicen los filósofos

And then, the philosophers tell us,

Lo llaman y le dicen: "¿Hola?"

You call up and go "Hello?"

Pero lo que dicen los estudiantes

Yet I hear from students

Si lo dicen fuertemente cinco veces

So if you say it loudly five times,

Los vecinos dicen: "¡Qué mala suerte!"

And the neighbors say, "Oh, that's terrible luck."

Algunos amigos profesionales dicen "A" ayer

some professional friends say 'A' yesterday

Lo que dicen puede ser verdad

what they say may be true

Nos encontramos con personas que dicen

we meet people who say

Algunas de nuestras chicas también dicen

Some of our girls also say

Salgamos de aquí, dicen los pilotos.

Get out of here, say the pilots.

Algunos dicen que él nunca existió.

Some say he never existed.

¡Dicen que nos va a llover!

They say we're going to get rain!

Dicen que la casa está embrujada.

- The house is said to be haunted.
- It is said the house is haunted.