Translation of "¡Locura" in English

0.013 sec.

Examples of using "¡Locura" in a sentence and their english translations:

¡Locura! - Sí.

Madness! - Yes.

Y dejaré que la locura sea locura

and I'll leave insanity as insanity

Es una locura.

This stuff is crazy.

Parecía una locura.

It sounded crazy.

Paremos esta locura.

Let's stop this madness.

- Creo que es una locura.
- Me parece una locura.

I think it's crazy.

- Tu locura tiene método.
- Hay método en tu locura.

There is a method to this madness.

Fue una locura, pánico.

It was insane, it was a panic.

Donde, miren qué locura,

where, crazy enough,

Para toda esta locura.

to all that craziness.

¡Esto es una locura!

This is crazy!

Y fue una locura.

And it's like, "Okay, now, this is too crazy."

¡Locura! ¿Qué es ésto?

Madness! What is this?

Qué casualidad, qué locura.

What a coincidence, so madness.

Esto es una locura.

It's like bedlam in here.

No es una locura.

- It isn't crazy.
- It's not crazy.

Eso fue una locura.

It was insane.

Me parece una locura.

I think it's crazy.

Eso es una locura.

That's insane.

Eso es una locura

That's crazy.

Eso sería una locura.

That would be insane.

¡Esta locura tiene que terminar!

This insanity has to stop!

El amor es una locura.

Love is crazy.

Sus ideas son una locura.

His ideas are crazy.

Eso es una completa locura.

That's totally crazy.

La vida es una locura.

Life is crazy.

Eso es una locura, ¿verdad?

That's crazy, right?

Sé que parece una locura.

I know that's crazy and insane.

Sin embargo, cuando hablamos de locura,

However, when we talk about insanity,

Entre Colombia y México. Una locura.

between Colombia and Mexico. Crazy.

Es una locura leer esa revista.

- It is foolish to read such a magazine.
- It's foolish to read such a magazine.

Sé que me quieres con locura.

- I know that you are in love with me.
- I know you're in love with me.
- I know that you're in love with me.

La masturbación lleva a la locura.

Masturbation leads to insanity.

La locura aún está por comenzar.

The madness has yet to begin.

Sí, es una locura, pero funciona.

Yes, it's crazy, but it works.

- Sería una locura escalar esa montaña en invierno.
- Sería una locura escalar esta montaña en invierno.

- It would be madness to climb that mountain in winter.
- It would be crazy to climb that mountain in the winter.

"Y gané, lo cual es una locura".

"And I won, which is crazy"

Y no es un ataque de locura.

not the lunatic fringe.

Tiene 35 casas. Eso es una locura.

There are 35 houses on it. That's insane.

El enojo es una forma de locura.

Anger is a form of madness.

Ella quiere con locura a su hijo.

She loves her son dearly.

Yo no sufro de locura, ¡la disfruto!

I don't suffer from insanity - I enjoy it!

Simplemente no quiero que hagas una locura.

I just don't want you to do anything crazy.

¿Te has vuelto presa de la locura?

Have you gone completely mad?

Lo que provocó una locura por nadar en barrido China, pero más importante, una locura por Mao.

Which prompted a craze for swimming in swept China, but more importantly, a craze for Mao.

Medicina para nuestra locura, medicina para nuestra ira.

Medicine for our madness, medicine for our rage.

Sería una locura escalar esa montaña en invierno.

- It would be madness to climb that mountain in winter.
- It would be stupid to climb that mountain in the winter.
- It would be crazy to climb that mountain in the winter.

Siempre hay algo bueno en la locura humana.

- There's always something good in human folly.
- There's always a good part in human folly.

- Esto es una locura.
- Esto es de locos.

This is insane.

Es una locura que pongas tu vida en peligro.

It is crazy of you to put your life at risk.

- Esta velocidad es una locura.
- Esta velocidad es demencial.

This speed is insane.

¿Cuál es la mayor locura que has hecho últimamente?

What's the craziest thing you've done lately?

En una página de aterrizaje, eso es una locura.

on a landing page, that's insane.

El amor es una locura que sólo la cura el cura, y cuando el cura la cura comete una gran locura.

Love is a madness that only the priest heals, and when the priest heals it, he commits a great folly.

Si eso les parece una locura piensen en las pruebas.

If that sounds crazy to you, think about the evidence.

"Es una locura; puedo decir sin duda que estás distinta".

"That's crazy; I can tell you're different right away."

Sé que parece una locura, pero juro que es cierto.

I know it sounds crazy, but I swear it's true.

Y estás luchando contra el trol, tú decidiste esta locura.

and you're fighting the troll, you decided this cookie thing.

Esto es una locura, este es un curso de $ 10,000,

This is crazy, this is a $10,000 course,

Eliminar la meta de vez en cuando no es una locura.

So, removing the goal now and then is not as crazy as it sounds.

De que la luna llena se asocia a comportamientos de locura

that full moons are somehow associated with crazy behavior

La genialidad y la locura están a un pelo de distancia.

- Genius is only one remove from insanity.
- Genius is but one remove from madness.

La locura es repetir los mismos errores y esperar resultados diferentes.

- Insanity is repeating the same mistakes and expecting different results.
- Insanity means doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

Es una locura que cuando hablamos sobre destrucción de la propiedad,

It is crazy that when we talk about destruction of property,

Aquél que vive sin locura no es tan sabio como cree.

He who lives without madness is not as wise as he thinks.

- Estarías loco si te quedaras.
- Sería una locura que te quedaras.

You'd be crazy to stay.

Eso es una locura, eso es un mierda de prueba social.

That's crazy, that's a shit ton of social proof.

- Si mis padres descubren que viniste, son capaces de hacer una locura.
- Si mis padres descubren que has venido aquí, son capaces de hacer una locura.

- If my parents find out you came over, they could do something crazy.
- If my parents discover that you came over, they are capable of doing something crazy.
- If my parents discover that you came over, they might do something crazy.

- Puede que parezca una locura, pero creo que todavía estoy enamorado de Mary.
- Puede que parezca una locura, pero creo que todavía estoy enamorada de Mary.

It might sound crazy, but I think I'm still in love with Mary.

Si mis padres descubren que viniste, son capaces de hacer una locura.

- If my parents find out you came over, they could do something crazy.
- If my parents discover that you came over, they are capable of doing something crazy.

Tom estaba confinado en un hospital psiquiátrico debido a su grave locura.

Tom was imprisoned at a psychiatric hospital due to his severe insanity.

He visto las mejores mentes de mi generación destruidas por la locura.

I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness.

Que es el saber de la locura el que debe guiar el nuestro.

It's the knowledge from insanity that should guide us.

Pero es una locura porque muestra lo que el cineasta moderno puede hacer.

But it was crazy because it's really what the modern filmmaker can do.

Es una locura por tu parte ir a nadar mientras hace tanto frío.

It's foolish on your part to swim when it's so cold.

La locura es relativa. Depende de quién encerró a quién en qué jaula.

Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage.

Los hombre solo piensan que eres sabio cuando compartes o apruebas su locura.

Men only think that you are wise when you share or approve of their folly.

Es una locura que en 2015 esperemos que la gente joven haga cola

It's crazy that in 2015, we're expecting young people to go and queue up

Dejando no uno, pero dos ejeércitos en su retaguardia puede haber parecido una locura.

Leaving not one, but two armies in his rear must've seemed mad.

Puede que parezca una locura, pero creo que quiero volver y hacerlo otra vez.

This may sound crazy, but I think I want to go back and do it again.

- Sé que crees que es de locos.
- Sé que piensas que es una locura.

- I know you think this is crazy.
- I know that you think this is crazy.