Translation of "многовато" in English

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Examples of using "многовато" in a sentence and their english translations:

Это многовато.

That's a bit much.

Не многовато будет?

Won't it be too much?

Я подумал, что это многовато.

- I thought that it was a bit much.
- I thought it was a bit much.

"Тридцать долларов многовато для этой маленькой комнаты", - подумал он.

"Thirty dollars is a lot for that small room," he thought.

"Надо бы сдвинуть картину вправо". - "Так?" - "Нет, так многовато".

"The picture is just a bit too far to the right." "Like this?" "That was a little too much."