Translation of "Tinham" in English

0.021 sec.

Examples of using "Tinham" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Eles não tinham escolha.
- Elas não tinham escolha.

They didn't have a choice.

- Eles não tinham nada.
- Elas não tinham nada.

They had nothing.

Tinham duas tortas.

There were two pies.

Eles tinham armas.

They had guns.

Não tinham rosas.

- They didn't have any roses.
- They didn't have roses.

Tinham um filho.

They had one child.

Tinham uma Polícia dura.

They had a hard police.

Eles tinham uma condição

They had a condition

Eles provavelmente tinham tudo

they probably had it all

Eles tinham ideias distintas.

They had different ideas.

Poucas fazendas tinham eletricidade.

Few farms had electricity.

Eles tinham vários filhos.

They had a lot of kids.

Eles tinham boas intenções.

They meant well.

Eles não tinham comida.

They had no food.

Eles tinham um filho.

They had one child.

Não tinham tanta autoridade

weren't that authoritative

Os germanos e os celtas tinham calças, mas os romanos não tinham.

The Germans and Celts had pants, but the Romans didn't.

Havia pessoas que tinham dinheiro

there were people who had money

Quantos olhos tinham os ciclopes?

How many eyes had the Cyclops?

Eles tinham uma cultura própria.

They had a culture of their own.

Eles já tinham um manual.

They had the playbook.

Eles não tinham muito ouro.

They did not have enough gold.

Muitos estadunidenses não tinham trabalho.

Many Americans did not have jobs.

Eles tinham problemas de casal.

They were having marriage problems.

Eles tinham bolhas nas mãos.

They had blisters on their hands.

Tinham medo do cachorro grande.

They were afraid of the big dog.

Porque eles tinham muitos backlinks.

because they had a lot of back links.

- Três dos cadáveres tinham marcas de bala.
- Três dos corpos tinham ferimentos a bala.

Three of the bodies had gunshot wounds.

- Os indianos tinham dificuldade para encontrar comida.
- Os índios tinham dificuldade para encontrar comida.

The Indians had difficulty finding food.

Eles não tinham muito que comer.

They did not have much food to eat.

Eles não tinham para onde ir.

They had no place to go.

Eles só tinham um ao outro.

- All they had was one another.
- All they had was each other.

Meus pais não tinham muito dinheiro.

My parents didn't have much money.

Meus avós não tinham encanamento interno.

My grandparents didn't have indoor plumbing.

- Vocês tinham razão.
- Vocês estavam certos.

- You were right.
- You guys were right.

Eles tinham sido derrotados em batalha.

They had been defeated in battle.

Tinham pressa de chegar em casa.

They were in a hurry to get home.

Muitas pessoas não tinham onde ficar.

Many people had no place to stay.

Meus pais não tinham muito dinheiro,

My parents didn't have a ton of money,

- Eles me disseram que eles tinham um problema.
- Eles me disseram que tinham um problema.

- They told me that they had a problem.
- They told me they had a problem.

A única coisa que esses vizinhos tinham

The only thing these neighbors had

Lembrei-me do que me tinham feito.

I remembered what was done to me.

Os Mexicanos não tinham nada a perder,

The Mexicans had nothing to lose,

Parecia que me tinham enfiado uma agulha

That felt like somebody just sticking a needle... donk!

Vocês tinham brigado quando ela foi embora?

Had you all been fighting when she left?

Essas duas crianças tinham a mesma idade.

Those two children were the same age.

Eles tinham boas relações com seus vizinhos.

- They have been on good terms with their neighbours.
- They've been on good terms with their neighbors.

Eu achei que tinham dito ao Tom.

- I thought Tom had been told.
- I thought that Tom had been told.

Os indianos tinham dificuldade para encontrar comida.

The Indians had difficulty finding food.

Não sabia que vocês tinham um gato.

I didn't know you had a cat.

Meus avós tinham uma casa em Boston.

My grandparents had a house in Boston.

Eles tinham dinheiro para comer no restaurante.

They could afford to eat in the restaurant.

Tinham uma boa razão para estar felizes.

They had a good reason to be happy about it.

Layla e Sami tinham ambos 45 anos.

Layla and Sami were both 45.

Eles se casaram quando tinham 18 anos.

They got married when they were 18.

Eu pensei que vocês tinham ido embora.

I thought you'd left.

É porque eles tinham o mesmo conteúdo

It's because they have the same content

Eles tinham um guia filmado para cada quadro.

They had a filmed guide to every frame.

Sonhei que todos os meus dentes tinham caído.

I dreamed that all my teeth fell out.

Eles anunciaram que tinham uma casa para vender.

They advertised that they had a house for sale.

Algumas pessoas achavam que tinham caído numa armadilha.

Some people felt trapped.

Tom e Maria não tinham nada para falar.

Tom and Mary had nothing to talk about.

Eles não tinham dinheiro, eles financiavam seu sonho

They had no money, they paid for their dream

Quando a polícia chegou, os ladrões tinham desaparecido.

When the police arrived, the thieves had disappeared.

Todos já tinham ido embora quando eu cheguei.

Everyone had left by the time I arrived.

Fadil, Layla e seus filhos tinham um quarto.

Fadil, Layla and their children had one bedroom.

Tom e Mary não tinham nada para falar.

Tom and Mary didn't have anything to talk about.

Sami e Layla tinham um relacionamento muito diferente.

Sami and Layla had a very different relationship.

Tom e Mary disseram que tinham muito dinheiro.

Tom and Mary said that they had a lot of money.

Tom disse que alguns adolescentes o tinham atacado.

- Tom said that some teenagers had attacked him.
- Tom said some teenagers had attacked him.

E elas não tinham certeza do que fazer,

and they weren't sure what to do,

Onde eles não têm tanta vantagem quanto tinham.

where they don't have as much pull as they used to.

E sites com um 10 tinham bastante autoridade.

and websites with a 10 were super authoritative.

- Achava que te tinham matado. Regozijo-me de ter estado errado.
- Achava que o tinham morto. Ainda bem que não!

I thought you'd been killed. I'm glad I was wrong.

- Pensei que Tom e Maria tinham menos de 30 anos.
- Achei que Tom e Maria tinham menos de trinta anos.

- I thought Tom and Mary were both under thirty.
- I thought that Tom and Mary were both under thirty.
- I thought that Tom and Mary were both under 30.

Então quando os dinossauros tinham 66 milhões de anos

so when dinosaurs were 66 million years old

Naqueles anos, as pessoas tinham dificuldade em acreditar nisso.

In those years, people had difficulty believing this.

Os dois professores tinham o mesmo número de estudantes.

The two teachers had an equal number of students.

Eles tinham que ficar o dia inteiro em casa.

They had to stay at home all day.

Não tinham ido muito longe quando encontraram um ancião.

They hadn't gone very far when they met an old man.

Era dos ursos famintos que os aldeães tinham medo.

It was the hungry bears that the villagers were afraid of.

As mulheres americanas não tinham o direito de votar.

American women didn't have the right to vote.

Eu não sabia que Tom e Mary tinham terminado.

I didn't know Tom and Mary had broken up.

Eles só tinham a opção de eleger seus membros.

They only had the option to elect its members.

Eles não tinham certeza se podiam vir ou não.

They were not sure whether they could come or not.

O sol e a lua tinham começado a brilhar.

The sun and the moon had started to shine.

Eles tinham pouco combustível para se aquecer e cozinhar.

They had little fuel for heating and cooking.

Os Estados Unidos tinham um acordo com a França.

The United States had a treaty with France.

Os Estados Unidos tinham ganhado a corrida à lua.

The United States had won the race to the moon.

Fadil e Layla tinham um relacionamento um tanto problemático.

Fadil and Layla had a bit of a troubled relationship.

Leila e Sami tinham todos os tipos de problemas.

Layla and Sami had all sorts of problems.

Sami e Layla tinham planos de ir ao bar.

Sami and Layla had plans to go to that bar.