Translation of "Negou" in English

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Negou" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ele negou-o.

He denied it.

Ele negou tudo.

- He denied everything.
- She denied everything.

Ela negou tudo.

She denied everything.

Tom negou tudo.

Tom denied everything.

Tom não negou.

Tom didn't deny it.

Ele negou imediatamente.

He denied it immediately.

- A atriz negou os boatos.
- A atriz negou os rumores.

The actress denied the rumors.

Ele negou os fatos.

He denied the facts.

Tom negou aqueles rumores.

Tom denied those rumors.

Tom negou o pedido.

- Tom refused.
- Tom denied the request.

Negou tê-lo feito.

He denied having done it.

Ele negou o rumor.

He denied the rumor.

Tom negou a acusação.

Tom denied the accusation.

Tom negou ter trapaceado.

- Tom has denied he cheated.
- Tom has denied that he cheated.

Tom não negou nada.

Tom didn't deny anything.

- Ela negou tê-lo encontrado.
- Ela negou ter se encontrado com ele.

She denied having met him.

Ela negou ter estado lá.

She denied having been there.

Tom negou tê-lo feito.

Tom denied having done it.

Tom negou todas as acusações.

Tom denied the accusations.

Tom negou todas as alegações.

Tom denied the allegations.

Tom negou que isso aconteceu.

- Tom denied that that happened.
- Tom denied that happened.

Tom se negou a admitir.

Tom refused to admit it.

Tom negou que fosse cristão.

Tom said that he wasn't a Christian.

Maria negou que fosse cristã.

Mary said that she wasn't a Christian.

Ela negou tê-lo encontrado.

She denied having met him.

Maria negou que estivesse grávida.

Mary said that she wasn't pregnant.

Ele negou tê-la encontrado.

He denied having met her.

Um dia depois, o ministério negou

one day later the ministry denied

Maria negou ter roubado o dinheiro.

Mary denied having stolen the money.

Tom negou ter roubado o dinheiro.

Tom denied having stolen the money.

Ele negou ter aceitado o suborno.

He denied that he had accepted the bribe.

Tom negou os pedidos de Maria.

Tom denied Mary's requests.

Tom negou-se a falar francês.

Tom refused to speak French.

Tom negou que escreveu a carta.

Tom denied writing the letter.

Tom negou ter dito tal coisa.

Tom denied having said such a thing.

Tom negou ter batido na namorada.

Tom denied having beaten his girlfriend.

Tom negou ter batido nos filhos.

Tom denied having beaten his children.

Tom negou ter batido na mulher.

Tom denied having beaten his wife.

O presidente Clinton negou a acusação.

President Clinton denied the accusation.

Tom negou que ele matou Mary.

- Tom denied he murdered Mary.
- Tom denied that he murdered Mary.

O presidente negou-se contestar a pergunta.

The President refused to answer the question.

Tom se negou a ir ao hospital.

Tom refused to go to the hospital.

Ela negou ter feito parte do esquema.

She denied having taken part in the scheme.

Ele negou ter deixado a porta aberta.

He denied leaving the door open.

Tom negou que ele era o ladrão.

- Tom denied that he was the thief.
- Tom denied he was the thief.

O garoto negou ter furtado a bicicleta.

The boy denied having stolen the bicycle.

Ela negou que é a minha mãe.

She denied that she's my mother.

Ele negou saber qualquer coisa sobre aquilo.

He denied knowing anything about it.

Tom negou que tinha roubado o dinheiro.

- Tom denied that he had stolen the money.
- Tom denied he had stolen the money.

- Ele negou o rumor.
- Ele refutou o boato.

He denied the rumor.

Eu não acredito que você negou aquele emprego.

I can't believe you turned down that job.

Ele negou-se a dar-lhes a informação.

He refused to give them the information.

Tom se negou a seguir o conselho de Maria.

Tom refused to follow Mary's advice.

Com o cinismo que o caracteriza, Tom negou tudo.

With his characteristic impudence, Tom denied everything.

O Tom nem confirmou e nem negou os rumores.

Tom neither confirmed nor denied the rumors.

A garota negou ter falado mal sobre a amiga dela.

The girl denied saying bad things about her friend.

A namorada o traía, mas ela negou até que ele a pegou.

His girlfriend cheated on him, but she denied it until he caught her.

O namorado a traía, mas ele negou até que ela o pegou.

Her boyfriend cheated on her, but he denied it until she caught him.

- Tom negou-se a falar francês.
- O Tom recusou-se a falar francês.

Tom refused to speak French.

Sara, porque estava com medo, negou que tivesse rido, dizendo: "eu não ri". Mas ele insistiu: "sim, tu riste".

Sara denied, saying: I did not laugh: for she was afraid. But the Lord said: Nay; but thou didst laugh.

- Tom se recusava a fazer o que queríamos que ele fizesse.
- Tom se negou a fazer o que esperávamos dele.

- Tom was unwilling to do what we wanted him to do.
- Tom wasn't willing to do what we wanted him to do.

Então o homem prostrou-se em adoração ao Senhor, dizendo: Bendito seja o Senhor, Deus de meu amo Abraão, que, tendo guiado meus passos à casa do irmão de meu amo, a meu amo não negou sua amizade e benevolência.

The man bowed himself down, and adored the Lord, saying: Blessed be the Lord God of my master Abraham, who hath not taken away his mercy and truth from my master, and hath brought me the straight way into the house of my master's brother.