Translation of "Enterrado" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Enterrado" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ele foi enterrado vivo.

- He was buried alive.
- She was buried alive.

Tom foi enterrado vivo.

Tom was buried alive.

Estávamos procurando um tesouro enterrado.

We were looking for buried treasure.

Tom está enterrado em Boston.

Tom is buried in Boston.

Onde Michael Jackson foi enterrado?

Where was Michael Jackson buried?

Foi enterrado no Cemitério da Recoleta.

He was buried in the La Recoleta Cemetery.

Tom e Maria comeram salmão enterrado.

Tom and Mary ate gravlax.

O tesouro tinha sido enterrado na ilha.

The treasure was buried on the island.

Tom foi enterrado ao lado da esposa.

Tom was buried next to his wife.

- Ela foi enterrada viva.
- Ele foi enterrado vivo.

- He was buried alive.
- She was buried alive.

Dizem que há um tesouro enterrado por aqui.

It is said that there is a treasure buried around here.

Quando eu morrer, quero ser enterrado junto com ela.

When I die, I want to be buried next to her.

A Mary tem sempre o nariz enterrado num livro.

Mary always has her nose buried in a book.

Como o Tom sabia onde o tesouro estava enterrado?

How did Tom know where the treasure was buried?

Além disso, ele está enterrado com seus objetos de valor

moreover, he is buried with his valuables

O tesouro ainda está na floresta, onde está enterrado sob uma árvore.

The treasure is still in the forest, where it is buried under a tree.

A visão encheu Vassilissa de horror, deixando-a tão estática quanto um poste enterrado no chão.

The sight filled Vasilissa with horror and she stopped as still as a post buried in the ground.