Translation of "Dotadas" in English

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Examples of using "Dotadas" in a sentence and their english translations:

"Tenho em meu séquito catorze ninfas / dotadas de beleza deslumbrante, / das quais a mais bonita, Deiopeia, / a ti unirei em matrimônio, será tua, / para que, em paga de teus bons serviços, / passe contigo os dias todos de sua vida / e te gere a mais linda descendência.”

- "Fourteen nymphs are in my service, surpassing in comeliness, of whom Deiopea, the most beautiful, I will unite in steadfast marriage to you and declare her your own; that in exchange for such benefits she may dwell with you all her years, and make you the father of beautiful offspring."
- "Twice seven nymphs have I, beautiful to see; / one, Deiopeia, fairest of the fair, / in lasting wedlock will I link to thee, / thy life-long years for such deserts to share, / and make thee parent of an offspring fair."