Translation of "Stesse" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Stesse" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Sembrava che stesse bene.
- Sembrava che lui stesse bene.

It seemed that he was fine.

- Hanno le stesse abitudini.
- Loro hanno le stesse abitudini.

They have the same habits.

- Avevano le stesse emozioni.
- Loro avevano le stesse emozioni.

They shared feelings.

- Nonostante stesse piovendo, sono uscito.
- Nonostante stesse piovendo, sono uscita.
- Nonostante stesse piovendo, io sono uscito.
- Nonostante stesse piovendo, io sono uscita.

Although it was raining, I went out.

- Le cose sono restate le stesse.
- Le cose sono rimaste le stesse.
- Le cose restarono le stesse.
- Le cose rimasero le stesse.

Things stayed the same.

- Inizialmente, sembrava che stesse bene.
- All'inizio, sembrava che stesse bene.

At first, he seemed fine.

- Penso che stesse parlando latino.
- Io penso che stesse parlando latino.
- Penso che lui stesse parlando latino.
- Io penso che lui stesse parlando latino.

I think he was speaking Latin.

- Spero che Tom stesse solo scherzando.
- Spero che Tom stesse soltanto scherzando.
- Spero che Tom stesse solamente scherzando.

- I hope Tom was just joking.
- I hope that Tom was just joking.

- Spero che Mary stesse solo scherzando.
- Spero che Mary stesse soltanto scherzando.
- Spero che Mary stesse solamente scherzando.

I hope Mary was just joking.

- Rimpiangerà le sue stesse parole.
- Lui rimpiangerà le sue stesse parole.

He will regret his own words.

- Pensavo che Tom stesse esagerando.
- Io pensavo che Tom stesse esagerando.

- I thought Tom was exaggerating.
- I thought that Tom was exaggerating.

- Pensavo che Tom stesse scherzando.
- Io pensavo che Tom stesse scherzando.

- I thought Tom was joking.
- I thought that Tom was joking.

- Pensavo che Tom stesse dormendo.
- Io pensavo che Tom stesse dormendo.

- I thought Tom was asleep.
- I thought that Tom was asleep.

- Spero che Tom stesse scherzando.
- Io spero che Tom stesse scherzando.

I hope Tom was kidding.

- Ci piacciono le stesse cose.
- A noi piacciono le stesse cose.

We like the same things.

- Pensavo che Tom non stesse venendo.
- Io pensavo che Tom non stesse venendo.
- Pensavo che Tom non stesse arrivando.
- Io pensavo che Tom non stesse arrivando.

- I thought Tom wasn't coming.
- I thought that Tom wasn't coming.

Credevo che stesse scherzando.

I thought he was joking.

Sembrava che stesse dormendo.

She looked like she was sleeping.

Pensava che stesse morendo.

- She thought that she was dying.
- He thought he was dying.
- She thought she was dying.

Sembrava che stesse bene.

- It seemed that he was fine.
- He looked like he was fine.
- He looked like he was OK.

- Queste cose rimangono sempre le stesse.
- Queste cose restano sempre le stesse.

These things always remain the same.

- Fatelo voi stessi.
- Fatela voi stessi.
- Fatelo voi stesse.
- Fatela voi stesse.

Do it yourselves.

- Pensavo che anche Tom stesse mentendo.
- Io pensavo che anche Tom stesse mentendo.

- I thought Tom was lying, too.
- I thought that Tom was lying, too.

- Volevo credere che Tom stesse mentendo.
- Io volevo credere che Tom stesse mentendo.

I wanted to believe Tom was lying.

- Pensavo che Tom stesse per uccidermi.
- Io pensavo che Tom stesse per uccidermi.

- I thought that Tom was going to kill me.
- I thought Tom was going to kill me.

- Non penso che Tom stesse mentendo.
- Io non penso che Tom stesse mentendo.

- I don't think Tom was lying.
- I don't think that Tom was lying.

- Penso che Tom stesse nascondendo qualcosa.
- Io penso che Tom stesse nascondendo qualcosa.

- I think Tom was hiding something.
- I think that Tom was hiding something.

- Penso che Tom mi stesse mentendo.
- Io penso che Tom mi stesse mentendo.

- I think Tom was lying to me.
- I think that Tom was lying to me.

- E se stesse dicendo la verità?
- E se lui stesse dicendo la verità?

What if he's telling the truth?

- Non pensavo che Tom stesse scherzando.
- Io non pensavo che Tom stesse scherzando.

- I didn't think Tom was joking.
- I didn't think that Tom was joking.

- Pensavo che Tom mi stesse per picchiare.
- Io pensavo che Tom mi stesse per picchiare.
- Pensavo che Tom mi stesse per colpire.
- Io pensavo che Tom mi stesse per colpire.

- I thought Tom was going to hit me.
- I thought that Tom was going to hit me.

- Sembrava che Tom si stesse preparando per partire.
- Sembrava che Tom stesse preparandosi per partire.
- Sembrava che Tom si stesse preparando per andarsene.
- Sembrava che Tom stesse preparandosi per andarsene.

- It looked like Tom was getting ready to leave.
- Tom looked like he was ready to leave.

"Donne, fedeli a se stesse?"

"Women, true to selves? "

Il pericolo delle parole stesse,

the danger of words themselves,

Non vedevo cosa stesse facendo.

Can't see what she's doing.

Loro condividono le stesse credenze.

They share their same beliefs.

Le foto sono le stesse.

The photographs are the same.

Pensavo che lei stesse scherzando.

I thought she was joking.

Sembrava che Tom stesse piangendo.

Tom appeared to be crying.

Sembrava che Tom stesse bene.

- Tom seemed fine.
- Tom seemed OK.

Le possibilità sono le stesse.

The chances are even.

Sembrava che lui stesse male.

It seemed that he was sick.

Sapevo cosa lei stesse pensando.

I knew what she was thinking.

Non so cosa stesse succedendo.

I don't know what was going on.

Sospettavo che Tom stesse mentendo.

- I suspected Tom was lying.
- I suspected that Tom was lying.

Penso che Tom stesse esagerando.

- I think Tom was exaggerating.
- I think that Tom was exaggerating.

Chiesi a Tom come stesse.

I asked Tom how he was.

Sembrava che si stesse divertendo.

- She seemed to be enjoying herself.
- He looked like he was having fun.

Sembrava che stesse per piangere.

- He looked like he was going to cry.
- He looked like he was about to cry.

Pensava che stesse per vincere.

He thought he was going to win.

Loro sono tutte le stesse.

- They are all the same.
- They're all the same.

Loro hanno le stesse abitudini.

They have the same habits.

- Hanno incolpato se stessi.
- Hanno incolpato se stesse.
- Incolparono se stessi.
- Incolparono se stesse.

They blamed themselves.

- Non sapevo che qualcuno mi stesse seguendo.
- Io non sapevo che qualcuno mi stesse seguendo.
- Non lo sapevo che qualcuno mi stesse seguendo.
- Io non lo sapevo che qualcuno mi stesse seguendo.

- I didn't know that someone was following me.
- I didn't know that somebody was following me.
- I didn't know someone was following me.

- Penso che Tom stesse parlando in francese.
- Io penso che Tom stesse parlando in francese.

- I think Tom was speaking French.
- I think that Tom was speaking French.

- Tom temeva che Mary stesse per morire.
- Tom aveva paura che Mary stesse per morire.

- Tom was afraid Mary was going to die.
- Tom was afraid that Mary was going to die.

- Pensavo che Tom stesse tenendo una festa.
- Io pensavo che Tom stesse tenendo una festa.

- I thought Tom was having a party.
- I thought that Tom was having a party.

- Non avevo idea che Tom stesse venendo.
- Io non avevo idea che Tom stesse venendo.

- I had no idea Tom was coming.
- I had no idea that Tom was coming.

- Tom non pensava stesse violando alcuna legge.
- Tom non pensava che stesse violando alcuna legge.

Tom didn't think he was violating any laws.

- Non avevo idea che Tom stesse mentendo.
- Io non avevo idea che Tom stesse mentendo.

- I had no idea Tom was lying.
- I had no idea that Tom was lying.

- Sospettavo che Tom mi stesse nascondendo qualcosa.
- Io sospettavo che Tom mi stesse nascondendo qualcosa.

- I suspected Tom was hiding something from me.
- I suspected that Tom was hiding something from me.

Se stesse viaggiando in quella direzione?

if it were travelling in that direction?

Potremo avere accesso alle stesse medicine

we may have access to some of the very same medicines

Per avvantaggiare loro stesse e noi,

in order to advantage themselves and us,

Questo tizio sapeva cosa stesse facendo.

I mean, these guys knew what they were doing.

Vogliono le stesse cose al lavoro,

to want the same things at work,

Sono le stesse, nota per nota.

are note for note the same.

Che fece le stesse cose, ma...

who did the same but…

Era sicura che l'uomo stesse mentendo.

She was sure the man was telling a lie.

Essi condividono le loro stesse convinzioni.

They share their same beliefs.

Quelle sono le sue stesse parole.

Those are his very words.

Sembrava che Tom si stesse divertendo.

Tom looked like he was having a good time.

- Sono gli stessi.
- Sono le stesse.

They're the same.

Tom fa sempre le stesse domande.

Tom always asks the same questions.

Tom pensava che Mary stesse dormendo.

- Tom thought Mary was asleep.
- Tom thought that Mary was asleep.

Tom voleva che Mary stesse zitta.

Tom wanted Mary to be quiet.

Pensavo che Tom stesse per uccidermi.

I thought that Tom was going to kill me.

Tom pensava che Mary stesse esagerando.

- Tom thought Mary was exaggerating.
- Tom thought that Mary was exaggerating.

- Siamo gli stessi.
- Siamo le stesse.

We're the same.

- Odiamo noi stessi.
- Odiamo noi stesse.

We hate ourselves.

Tom pensava che Mary stesse scherzando.

- Tom thought Mary was kidding.
- Tom thought that Mary was kidding.

Tom pensava che Mary stesse mentendo.

Tom thought Mary was lying.

Mi chiedo se Tom stesse mentendo.

- I wonder if Tom was lying.
- I wonder whether Tom was lying.
- I wonder whether or not Tom was lying.
- I wonder whether Tom was lying or not.

Ho chiesto cosa stesse leggendo Tom.

I asked what Tom was reading.

E se Tom si stesse sbagliando?

What if Tom is wrong?

Non sapevo che Tom stesse male.

I wasn't aware that Tom was sick.

Non so cosa Tom stesse leggendo.

I don't know what Tom was reading.

Tom sospettava che Mary stesse mentendo.

- Tom suspected that Mary was lying.
- Tom suspected Mary was lying.

Non sapevo che Tom stesse cucinando.

I didn't know what Tom was cooking.

Sembrava che Tom stesse cercando qualcuno.

Tom seemed to be looking for someone.

Non sapevo che lei stesse male.

- I didn't know that she was ill.
- I didn't know she was ill.

È possibile che Tom stesse mentendo.

- It's possible Tom was lying.
- It's possible that Tom was lying.

Mi sembrava che Tom stesse bene.

Tom seemed fine to me.

Non sapevo dove stesse andando Tom.

I didn't know where Tom was going.

Non sapevo che Tom stesse mentendo.

I didn't know that Tom was lying.

Non sapevo cosa stesse facendo Tom.

I didn't know what Tom was doing.