Translation of "Nyilván" in English

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Examples of using "Nyilván" in a sentence and their english translations:


- Of course.
- Of course!
- Obviously!

- Nyilván!
- Persze!


Nyilván hiányzik. De...

Of course I miss her. Um... But, um...

Nyilván bajban volt.

He was clearly in trouble.

Ez nyilván blöff.

It's obviously a bluff.

Nyilván, reményre szükségünk van,

And yes, we do need hope,

Nyilván igyekeznek gyorsan növekedni.

are clearly trying to grow up quickly.

Nyilván pártot kellett alapítanunk.

Well, so obviously what we had to do is form a political party.

Nyilván én voltam a főnök.

me as leader, obviously;

Nyilván ismerik a szokásos Google-keresésnél

What you might be familiar with in a typical Google search

Nyilván nem kapok leveleket az egyetemre.

I obviously don't get mail at the university.

Meghalt, és nyilván tudta; másnap meghalt.

He died, and it was obvious he knew it, he died the next day.

Nyilván nem váltják meg a világot,

Obviously, these won't redeem the world

A gyurmának nyilván sós íze van.

Play-Doh apparently has a salty taste.

Ilyen képességek birtokában nyilván sokra viszi.

The possession of such skills can clearly take you very far.

Tom nyilván ismeri ezeket a dolgokat.

Tom obviously knows his stuff.

Nyilván úgy gondolod, hogy kezdő vagyok.

Obviously, you think I'm a beginner.

Nyilván rasszisták, és roppant fontosnak tartják magukat.

apparently they're racist and they're so important.

A politikai realisták számára ez nyilván nem lesz meglepetés,

For political realists, this might be no surprise,

Mivel Burning Man voltam, nyilván jelmezt is kellett készítenem.

And of course, being Burning Man, I had to make a costume.

Abból nyilván első osztályú nyaralás lett volna a Guantanamo-öbölben,

I think it arguably would have been a first-class vacation to Guantanamo Bay,

- Rájöttem. Tudod, nem vagyok olyan hülye. - Ugyan már! Nyilván Mari mondott el neked mindent.

"I figured it out. I'm not that stupid, you know." "Oh, please. Mary has obviously told you everything."