Translation of "Fiára" in English

0.012 sec.

Examples of using "Fiára" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Büszke az ő fiára.
- Büszke a fiára.

He is proud of his son.

Okkal büszke a fiára.

He's every reason to be proud of his son.

Tom büszke a fiára.

Tom is proud of his son.

Tom nagyon büszke a fiára.

Tom is very proud of his son.

Az összes vagyonát a fiára hagyta.

He transferred his whole estate to his son.

Az okos fiára akár büszke is lehet.

He may well be proud of his bright son.

Tom vigyázott Mari fiára, amíg Mari dolgozott.

Tom had to take care of Mary's son while she was working.