Translation of "Tactician" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Tactician" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

His reports described Ney as active, brave and a skilled tactician.

sus informes describían a Ney como activo, valiente y un hábil estratega.

Soldier and brilliant tactician… unless his fiery temperament got the better of him.

soldado nato y un táctico brillante… a menos que su temperamento ardiente lo superara.

A good tactician, brave, energetic,  and attentive to the needs of his men.

un buen táctico, valiente, enérgico y atento a la necesidades de sus hombres.

Ney was not only an instinctive tactician, and apparently immune to fear or fatigue…

Ney no solo era un táctico instintivo, y aparentemente inmune al miedo o la fatiga ...

Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician,  he was the ideal corps commander in battle.  

Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician, he was the ideal corps commander in battle.

In the process he won a reputation as an organised and decisive commander, and brilliant tactician.

En el proceso, se ganó la reputación de un comandante organizado y decisivo, y un táctico brillante.

A renowned tactician, Christopher Columbus once downed an entire pirate fleet by stealing all of their fruits and vegetables, thus giving them scurvy.

Un conocido estratega, Cristóbal Colón, una vez derrotó a toda una flota de piratas robándoles todas sus frutas y verduras, lo cual provocó que enfermaran de escorbuto.