Translation of "Sailors" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Sailors" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

The sailors saw land.

Los marineros vieron tierra firme.

Many sailors can't swim.

Muchos marineros no saben nadar.

- Forty-eight sailors are on the ship.
- Forty-eight sailors are on board.

- Hay 48 marineros en el barco.
- Hay 48 marineros a bordo.

The sailors abandoned the burning ship.

Los marineros abandonaron el barco que ardía.

Forty-eight sailors are on board.

Hay 48 marineros a bordo.

I will need two more sailors.

Necesitaré dos marineros más.

Forty-eight sailors are on the ship.

Hay 48 marineros en el barco.

They killed more than three thousand sailors.

Ellos mataron a más de tres mil marineros.

Only a few sailors could be seen.

Solo se podía ver a unos pocos marineros.

Tom had told the sailors what had happened.

Tom les había dicho a los marineros lo que había ocurrido.

The sailors were at the mercy of the weather.

Los marineros estaban a la merced del tiempo.

Sailors spend weeks or months in the immense ocean.

Los navegantes pasan durante semanas o meses en el vasto océano.

How many sailors were aboard the ship that sunk?

¿Cuántos marineros iban a bordo del barco que se hundió?

It was a ship with a crew of 25 sailors.

Era un barco con una tripulación de 25 marineros.

The mermaid's captivating voice lured the sailors to the cliff's most dangerous area.

La cautivadora voz de la sirena atrajo a los marineros a la zona más peligrosa de los acantilados.

All the skill of the sailors gave way to the violence of the storm.

Toda la habilidad de los marineros sucumbió ante la violencia de la tormenta.

Christopher Columbus once discovered an entire ship of deceased sailors... and politely ignored it.

Una vez, Cristóbal Colón descubrió un barco lleno de marineros difuntos... y educadamente, los ignoró.