Translation of "Reacted" in Spanish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Reacted" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

She reacted furiously.

Ella reaccionó con furia.

Tom reacted instantly.

Tom reaccionó inmediatamente.

The baby reacted by saying, "Granny"

- El bebé se soltaba con un 'abela'.
- El bebé balbuceaba un 'abela'.

I shouldn't have reacted that way.

No debería haber reaccionado de esa manera.

And to answer questions about how they reacted.

y respondieran preguntas acerca de cómo reaccionaron.

Bessières reacted quickly and decisively, securing key towns and roads.

Bessières reaccionó rápida y decisivamente, asegurando ciudades y carreteras clave.

As daylight broke the Carthaginian general reacted quicker than his opponent, sending

Cuando la luz del día rompió al general cartaginés reaccionó más rápido que su oponente, enviando

I would have never thought that he would have reacted so violently.

Jamás hubiera esperado que el reaccionara tan violentamente.

But some of the venom had stayed under his skin, and reacted, stinging again and again.

pero le quedó algo de veneno bajo la piel y reaccionó, picándole una y otra vez.

Caesar reacted to this by ordering some of the ships to move towards the exposed flank

Caesar reaccionó a esto ordenando a algunas de las naves que se movieran hacia el flanco expuesto