Translation of "Magician" in Spanish

0.048 sec.

Examples of using "Magician" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I'm a magician.

Soy mago.

I'm not a magician.

- Yo no soy mago.
- No soy mago.

Is he a magician?

¿Él es un mago?

Tom is a magician.

Tom es mago.

I want to be a magician.

Yo quiero ser un mago.

A good magician never reveals his tricks.

Un buen mago nunca revela sus trucos.

As a magician, it really resonated with me,

me interesé mucho como mago que soy,

I have a friend whose father is a magician.

- Tengo un amigo cuyo padre es mago.
- El padre de un amigo mío es mago.

The magician asked for a volunteer from the audience.

El mago solicitó un voluntario entre la audiencia.

Do you really believe that this guy is a magician?

¿Realmente crees que este sujeto es un mago?

I am what you might call a sleight-of-hand magician,

Soy un mago de trucos de mano;

- The magician snapped his fingers and a tiny flame appeared floating above his hand.
- The magician snapped his fingers and a tiny llama appeared floating above his hand.

El mago chasqueó los dedos y una pequeña llama apareció flotando encima de su mano.

I had my eyes closed and I had Andrés at my side, the magician,

Estaba con los ojos cerrados y al lado tenía a Andrés, el mago,

- You're a magician with a needle and thread.
- You are very good at sewing.

- Eres muy bueno cosiendo.
- Se te da muy bien coser.

The magician snapped his fingers and a tiny flame appeared floating above his hand.

El mago chasqueó los dedos y una pequeña llama apareció flotando encima de su mano.

And you can have all the skills in the world, but I'm not a magician.

Puedo tener toda la habilidad del mundo, pero no soy mago.

The magician pulled a rabbit out of a top hat and we still don't know how he did it.

El prestidigitador sacó un conejo de una chistera y todavía no sabemos cómo lo hizo.

The magician they hired for my brother's party was so bad. He made me pick a card out of a deck, but he wasn't able to guess which one it was.

El prestidigitador que contrataron para la fiesta de mi hermano era muy malo: me hizo sacar una carta de la baraja, pero no fue capaz de adivinarla.