Translation of "Lest" in Spanish

0.049 sec.

Examples of using "Lest" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I took my umbrella lest it rain.

Yo cargué mi paraguas en caso de lluvia.

Lest I forget as I wrap this up.

No sea que se me olvide antes de concluir.

He wrote down the number lest he should forget it.

Él anotó el número para no olvidarlo.

She turned her head away lest he see her tears.

Ella volvió su rostro para no hacerle ver sus lágrimas.

- Take care lest you should fall.
- Be careful not to fall.

Cuidado de no caerte.

I wrote down his phone number lest I should forget it.

Me apunté su número de teléfono para no olvidarlo.

She came in through the back door lest she be seen.

Ella entró por la puerta trasera para que no la vieran.

You must do all you can lest you should regret later.

Debes hacer todo lo que puedas sino podrías lamentarlo mas tarde.

We came in through the back door lest someone should see us.

Entramos por la puerta de atrás por miedo a que nos vieran.

I dare not probe too deeply, lest I uncover the awful truth!

¡No me atrevo a investigar demasiado profundamente, para no descubrir la horrorosa verdad!

Thou shalt not go up by steps unto my altar, lest thy nakedness be discovered.

Tampoco subirás por gradas a mi altar, para que no se descubra tu desnudez sobre él.

It is well that war is so terrible — lest we should grow too fond of it.

Es bueno que la guerra sea tan terrible, para evitar que nos encariñemos demasiado con ella.

The priests also that come to the Lord, let them be sanctified, lest he strike them.

Los sacerdotes que se acerquen a Yahvé deben purificarse también, para que Yahvé no irrumpa contra ellos.

- I wrote down his phone number lest I should forget it.
- I wrote down his phone number so I wouldn't forget it.

Me apunté su número de teléfono para no olvidarlo.

- She turned her head away, lest he should see her tears.
- She turned her face away so he wouldn't see her tears.

Ella giró la cabeza para que él no viera sus lágrimas.

- I took my umbrella for fear of rain.
- I took my umbrella lest it rain.
- I took my umbrella in case it rains.

Yo cargué mi paraguas en caso de lluvia.

The near kinsman said, "I can't redeem it for myself, lest I endanger my own inheritance. Take my right of redemption for yourself; for I can't redeem it."

El pariente respondió: "Así no puedo rescatar, porque podría perjudicar mi herencia. Usa tú mi derecho de rescate, porque yo no puedo usarlo."

- She was anxious lest she might miss the train.
- She was worried that she might miss the train.
- She was worried that she might be late for the train.

Ella estaba preocupada por si llegaría tarde al tren.

- He wrote it down lest he should forget it.
- He penned it down so as to not forget it.
- He wrote it down so as not to forget it.

Él lo anotó para no olvidarlo.

- He wrote down the number lest he should forget it.
- He wrote down the number so that he wouldn't forget it.
- He wrote the number down so he wouldn't forget it.

Él anotó el número para no olvidarlo.

- Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
- Do not judge so that you will not be judged.
- Judge not lest ye be judged.
- Don't judge and you won't be judged.

No juzguéis, para que no seáis juzgados.

So she slept at his feet till the night was going off. And she arose before men could know one another, and Boaz said: Beware lest any man know that thou camest hither.

Se acostó ella a sus pies hasta la madrugada; se levantó él a la hora en que todavía un hombre no puede reconocer a otro, pues se decía: "Que no se sepa que la mujer ha venido a la era."

And they said: The God of the Hebrews hath called us, to go three days' journey into the wilderness, and to sacrifice to the Lord our God; lest a pestilence or the sword fall upon us.

Ellos dijeron: "El Dios de los hebreos se nos ha aparecido; permite, pues, que hagamos un viaje de tres días al desierto para ofrecer scrificios a Yahvé, nuestro Dios, si no nos castigará con peste o espada."

And he said: Behold Adam is become as one of us, knowing good and evil: now therefore lest perhaps he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.

Y dijo Dios: "¡Resulta que el hombre ha venido a ser como uno de nosotros, en cuanto a conocer el bien y el mal! Ahora, pues, cuidado, no alargue su mano y tome también del árbol de la vida y comiendo de él viva para siempre."

He cleansed the fountains, that the water might be clear and pure; carried the manure out of the yard for fear lest the smell might prove offensive; and trimmed his orchard that it might appear in all its beauty.

Limpió las fuentes, para que el agua fuese clara y pura; sacó el estiércol del jardín por temor a que el olor fuera ofensivo; y arregló su huerto para que apareciese en toda su belleza.

And when he was gone up thither, he said unto him: Go down, and charge the people; lest they should have a mind to pass the limits to see the Lord, and a very great multitude of them should perish.

Y Moisés subió. Yahvé dijo a Moisés: Baja y advierte al pueblo que no traspase los límites para ver a Yahvé, porque morirían muchos de ellos.

And the Lord said to him: Go, get thee down; and thou shalt come up, thou and Aaron with thee: but let not the priests and the people pass the limits, nor come up to the Lord, lest he kill them.

Yahvé le dijo: Anda, baja, y luego subes con Aarón; pero los sacerdotes y el pueblo no traspasarán las lindes para subir hacia Yahvé, a fin de que no irrumpa contra ellos.

And have taken to wife Ruth, the Moabitess, the wife of Mahalon, to raise up the name of the deceased in his inheritance lest his name be cut off, from among his family and his brethren and his people. You, I say, are witnesses of this thing.

"Y de que adquiero también a Rut la moabita, la que fue mujer de Quilión, para que sea mi mujer a fin de perpetuar el nombre del difunto en su heredad y que el nombre del difunto no sea borrido entre sus hermanos y en la puerta de su localidad. Vosotros sois hoy testigos."

And the woman answered him, saying: Of the fruit of the trees that are in paradise we do eat: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of paradise, God hath commanded us that we should not eat; and that we should not touch it, lest perhaps we die.

Respondió la mujer a la serpiente: "Podemos comer del fruto de los árboles del jardín. Mas del fruto del árbol que está en medio del jardín, ha dicho Dios: No comáis de él, ni lo toquéis, so pena de muerte."

And all the people saw the voices and the flames, and the sound of the trumpet, and the mount smoking; and being terrified and struck with fear, they stood afar off, saying to Moses: Speak thou to us, and we will hear: let not the Lord speak to us, lest we die.

Todo el pueblo percibía los truenos y relámpagos, el sonido de la trompeta y el monte humeante, y temblando de miedo se mantenía a distancia. Dijeron a Moisés: Háblanos tú y te entenderemos, pero que no nos hable Dios, no sea que muramos.

In the meantime there arose a new king over Egypt, that knew not Joseph. And he said to his people: Behold the people of the children of Israel are numerous and stronger than we. Come let us wisely oppress them, lest they multiply: and if any war shall rise against us, join with our enemies, and having overcome us, depart out of the land.

Surgió en Egipto un nuevo rey, que no había conocido a José; y dijo a su pueblo: "Mirad, el pueblo de Israel es más numeroso y fuerte que nosotros. Actuemos sagazmente contra él para que no siga multiplicándose, no sea que en caso de guerra se alíe también él con nuestros enemigos, luche contra nosotros y se marche del país."

And when Pharaoh had sent out the people, the Lord led them not by the way of the land of the Philistines, which is near; thinking lest perhaps they would repent, if they should see wars arise against them, and would return into Egypt.But he led them about by the way of the desert, which is by the Red Sea: and the children of Israel went up armed out of the land of Egypt.

Cuando el faraón dejó salir al pueblo, Dios no los llevó por el camino del país de los filisteos, aunque era más corto; pues dijo: "No sea que, al verse atacado, el pueblo se arrepienta y se vuelva a Egipto." Dios hizo rodear al pueblo por el camino del desierto del mar de Suf. Los israelitas salieron bien equipados del país de Egipto.