Translation of "Judge" in Spanish

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Judge" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Judge for yourself.

- Júzgalo tú mismo.
- Juzga por ti mismo.

Do not judge.

No jures.

- You cannot buy that judge.
- You can't bribe that judge.
- You can't buy that judge.

No se puede sobornar a ese juez.

- You cannot buy that judge.
- You can't bribe that judge.

No se puede sobornar a ese juez.

Never judge by appearance.

No juzgues nunca por las apariencias.

I can't judge distance.

No puedo juzgar las distancias.

Don't judge by appearances.

No juzgues por las apariencias.

They appointed a judge.

Designaron a un juez.

I won't judge you.

No te voy a juzgar.

We do not judge.

sin juzgar.

They couldn't judge me.

No me pudieron juzgar.

The judge questioned me.

El juez me interrogó.

You must judge for yourself.

Debes juzgarlo por ti mismo.

Don't judge me too harshly.

- No me juzgues con demasiada severidad.
- No me juzguéis con demasiada severidad.
- No me juzgue con demasiada severidad.
- No me juzguen con demasiada severidad.

The judge banged his gavel.

El juez golpeó con su martillo.

I'm not one to judge.

No puedo juzgar.

Who are you to judge?

¿Quién eres tú para juzgar?

- I wouldn't like being a judge.
- I wouldn't want to be a judge.

No me gustaría ser juez.

- Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
- Do not judge so that you will not be judged.
- Judge not lest ye be judged.
- Don't judge and you won't be judged.

No juzguéis, para que no seáis juzgados.

And the judge said, "Speak up!"

El juez intervino: "Hable más alto".

So he goes before the judge.

Entonces lo ponen ante el juez.

The judge acknowledged him the winner.

El juez lo reconoció ganador.

Who are you to judge me?

- ¿Quién sos vos para juzgarme?
- ¿Quién eres tú para juzgarme?

The judge condemned him to death.

El juez lo condenó a muerte.

You be the judge of that.

Sea juez en este asunto.

The judge fined him five dollars.

El juez le puso una multa de cinco dólares.

The judge banged his gavel again.

El juez golpeó con su martillo de nuevo.

I wouldn't like being a judge.

No me gustaría ser juez.

The witnesses appeared before the judge.

Los testigos comparecieron ante el juez.

Don't judge people by their appearance.

No juzgues a la gente por su apariencia.

Don't judge someone by their appearance.

No juzgues a una persona por su apariencia.

The judge isn't convinced at all.

El juez no está nada convencido.

- Don't judge a book by its cover.
- You can't judge a book by its cover.

No se puede juzgar un libro por la tapa.

- We shouldn't judge people by how they look.
- We shouldn't judge people based on their appearance.

No deberíamos juzgar a la gente por su apariencia.

- The judge kicked him out of the party.
- The judge threw him out of the party.

El árbitro lo expulsó del partido.

- Then they brought me in front of the judge.
- Then they took me to the judge.

Luego me llevaron ante el juez.

And they were there before the judge,

Y estaban allí ante el juez,

Where a judge set 500 dollars bail.

donde un juez estableció USD 500 de fianza.

Even when the judge ruled against them,

incluso cuando el juez fallara en contra de ellos,

The judge laughed in spite of himself.

El juez se rió sin querer.

Let me be the judge of that.

Déjame que juzgue eso yo.

Don't judge a man by his clothes.

No juzgues a un hombre por su ropa.

Nobody has the right to judge you.

Nadie tiene el derecho de juzgarte.

Don't judge a book by its cover.

Las apariencias engañan.

The judge started to read the sentence.

El juez empezó a leer la sentencia.

The judge is ready to pass sentence.

El juez está dispuesto a fallar.

Don't judge a man by his appearance.

No juzgues a un hombre por su apariencia.

I wouldn't want to be a judge.

No me gustaría ser juez.

How the hell can you judge them?

¿cómo diablos se los puede juzgar?

Tom told the judge he was sorry.

- Tom le dijo a la jueza que lo sentía.
- Tom le dijo al juez que lo sentía.

Who am I to judge this culture?

¿Quién soy yo para juzgar esta cultura?

The judge ordered that he be released.

El juez dispuso su libertad.

- You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance.
- Don't judge a man from the way he looks.

No juzgues a un hombre por su apariencia.

- Don't judge each other by the color of the skin.
- Don't judge others by the color of their skin.
- Don't judge others by the colour of their skin.

No juzgues a los otros por el color de su piel.

- You should not judge people based on their name.
- You shouldn't judge a person based on his or her name.
- You shouldn't judge people based on their names.

- No se debe juzgar a las personas por el nombre.
- No debe juzgarse a una persona por el nombre.

- The judge sentenced him to one year in prison.
- The judge sentenced him to a year in prison.

El juez lo sentenció a un año de prisión.

- You should not judge a person by his clothes.
- Don't judge a man by the clothes he wears.

No juzgues a un hombre por la ropa que lleva.

- Don't judge a man from the way he looks.
- Don't judge a man by the way he looks.

No juzgues a un hombre por su apariencia.

The judge who said it got it right:

ocurrirá lo que el juez bien dijo:

The more probable we judge it to be.

más lo consideramos como probable.

Through vibration, she can judge size and speed.

Mediante la vibración, puede calcular el tamaño y la velocidad.

"Judge, I realized that it was my fault,

"Juez, me di cuenta de que era mi culpa,

You shouldn't judge a man by his appearance.

No debes juzgar a un hombre por su apariencia.

You have to judge the case without bias.

- Tienes que juzgar el caso de forma imparcial.
- Tienes que juzgar el caso siendo imparcial.
- Tienes que juzgar el caso sin prejuicios.

You can't judge a person based on clothing.

No juzgues a un hombre por su ropa.

The prisoner was found guilty by the judge.

El reo fue declarado culpable por el juez.

We shouldn't judge people by how they look.

No deberíamos juzgar a la gente por su apariencia.

You can't judge a book by its cover.

No juzgues un libro por su cubierta.

You shouldn't judge a person by his appearance.

No deberías juzgar a una persona por su apariencia.

Tom told the judge that he was innocent.

Tom le dijo al juez que él era inocente.

Tom was a judge in an art contest.

Tom fue juez en un concurso de arte.

You shouldn't judge a person by his looks.

No juzgues a las personas por su aspecto.

We should never judge people by their appearance.

Nunca debemos juzgar a la gente por su aspecto.

You have no right to judge these people.

Tú no tienes derecho para juzgar a estas personas.

Moreover, I judge that Carthage must be annihilated.

Por otra parte, considero que Cartago debe ser aniquilada.

Some people will judge you based on that,

algunas personas te juzgarán en base a eso,