Translation of "Horseback" in Spanish

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Examples of using "Horseback" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

He enjoys horseback riding.

Le gusta montar a caballo.

It's nice riding on horseback.

Es agradable pasear a caballo.

I'd like to try horseback riding.

Quisiera montar a caballo.

She enjoys dancing and horseback riding.

Le gusta bailar y montar a caballo.

We rode to the ranch on horseback.

Fuimos a caballo a la hacienda.

A man on horseback came along the path.

Un hombre a caballo vino por el camino.

With all these changes, in little more than 50 years, humanity stopped riding horseback

Con todos estos cambios, en algo más de 50 años, la humanidad dejó los caballos

Mali from Mecca on horseback, a trip that, by modern plane, would take about 6½ hours.

Mali de La Meca a caballo, un viaje que, en avión, llevaría 6 horas y media.

For Pharaoh went in on horseback with his chariots and horsemen into the sea: and the Lord brought back upon them the waters of the sea: but the children of Israel walked on dry ground in the midst thereof.

Cuando los caballos del faraón, con sus carros y sus jinetes, entraron en el mar, Yahvé hizo que las aguas del mar volvieran sobre ellos; en cambio, los israelitas pasaron en seco por medio del mar.